Getting out

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Concentrating hard, I pictured the outside of the door, willing myself to go there, be there, just reappear outside of this cell. And so I closed my eyes, wishing hard.

And then it happened. I felt a yank on my gut and the second I felt myself materialize, I grinned, throwing my eyes open. I had teleported only a matter of inches, but I was outside the door none the less.

Then I hit my next obstacle. Refinding the rainbow bridge, while staying away from that lunatic.

The corridors all looked the same, with golden walls and tapestries hanging this way and that. I frowned, making three lefts and a right. Then two more, and a left.

I finally found a large wooden door with golden light emanating from beneath the threshold. The sun. I was almost giddy with relief. My first spy mission was complete!

I took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

It was not the sight I had been expecting. I was instead on a golden room with a large tub-like thing in the middle, a lady sitting next to it, tears on the eyes. She looked up as the door creaked open.

"Hello Darling."

Her voice was frail, as if it hurt her to talk, to smile.

"Do come here child. Don't  be afraid."

I slowly walked towards her her, my head bowed low.

"What's your name, child?" She asked softly as I neared her. I looked up into her large eyes, and seeing the kindnesses inside, I spoke.


Her face froze. "Well Hela, I believe I am your grandmother."

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