Chapter 2

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(The Next Day: Intergalactic Space)

The Milano had crossed the long dark blanket of the universe. The Milky Way and the two smaller galaxies slowly went dancing on the beat of gravity. Drax sadly stared at the window which he recalled the young boy's message from Hala. He failed in helping the orphans which an undesirable incident had transpired. The generous goliath looked at his cash price and bowed his head.

" Now, what am I gonna do with this money? " he thought. " I don't wanna spend it for nothin'. If only I could find someone who needs it. "

The dark-haired insect looking lady dressed in green sat beside him. She got concerned at her brother-figure friend and read his mind which the tips of her antennae glowed.

" You have a big heart, Drax, " she said and sat beside him. " You're gonna find someone who will receive it. Am I right? "

" Yeah, " he nodded. " I just want to give it to the poor kids, but something happened on their planet. Like how am I gonna do that?! No one will take it, Mantis. I failed. We failed! "

" Oh, Drax..." Mantis gently sighed and held his hands. " I know we're gonna make a way for this one. "

Rocket Raccoon listened at their conversation as he crossed his arms and leaned on the wall. The furry one frowned at his teammate. Drax turned around and felt uncomfortable in seeing him.

" Heh, Congratulations, Drax the Destroyer! " Rocket sarcastically scoffed. " You won a jackpot in Gamblix twice and lost to donate to the poor blue and pink kids on Hala! You wanna give the money?! Huh? How about giving it to me! "

Rocket instantly took the price as Drax's face crossed and grabbed his fellow. Mantis was shocked to see them and thinking of ceasing this argument.

" YOU WON'T TAKE THE MONEY FOR YOUR PERSONAL GAIN! " Drax sternly spoke as Rocket bit the Goliath's hands. He felt such tremendous pain and his fingers got redenned. Drax quickly took the money from Rocket and glared at him. " HEY! "

" Hah! " he scoffed and laughed. " Who says I'm not gonna take it! Big Fat Loser! "

" What do you call me? "

" Big Fat Loser! "

" Really? "

" Yeah, got any problems? "

" I'm sick and tired of calling me like that! You scumbag rat! "

" Say it again?! "

" Scumbag rat! "

" I'm gonna shoot your head out of it! "

" OH, SHUT UP! "

Peter Quill, Gamora, Groot, and Mantis paused for a while as they heard the exchange of bitter words between Drax and Rocket. All of them couldn't stand their senseless bickering.

" Quill, please do something..." Mantis anxiously spoke.

" Okay... okay..." the red-head nodded and took a deep breath. He saw the two were non-stop word wars and stood between them. " Hey! Hey! Hey! That's enough! "

" He started it, Quill! " Drax pointed at the racoon.

" So, the buffoon just accused me, great! " Rocket snarled.

" Look guys, I understood why are you arguing about! " Quill raised his voice. " Can you guys shut up? We don't even know where the hell are we going next! "

" But Quill? " the two spoke in unison.

" I'm gonna give you some time-out and stay at your separate positions! Rocket, you're not gonna be my co-pilot! "

" WHAAT?! "

" Drax, please give me the money. "

" Quill, but Rocket..."

" For safekeeping! " Quill stressed his words and sternly stared at his teammate. Drax heavily sighed and surrendered the cash price. Rocket was grinning and thinking of grabbing it. " Nope! You're not going to take the cash for buying your new boomstick! Understand? "

" Oh come on! " the raccoon rolled his eyes and crossed his eyes. " Seriously, Quill! I'm the troublemaker, here! "

" No, both of you! "

" THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, DRAX! " Rocket angrily gritted his teeth and readied himself to tackle the large alien.



The smaller being dashed himself to attack Drax. Quill facepalmed in his annoyance as he never wanted to see another argument from them.

" HEY, STOP! " the red-head human cried.

Drax thought of dodging away as the tree-like creature grabbed the furry one by his branches. Rocket struggled to break free which Groot glared at him.

" I AM GROOT! " he spoke.

" But... "



Groot took Rocket away as Drax returned to his corner. Gamora sat on the co-pilot's seat and noticed her boyfriend's weary face. Quill was not pleased in this situation. He sat beside her while driving the fleet.

" Why do they have to argue like this? " he heavily sighed and asked. " That trip to Gamblix ended up a big mess between Drax and Rocket. "

" Like your old Earth proverb says Money is the root of evil. " the green-skinned lady calmly spoke and gently patted her boyfriend's back. " These boys don't understand why that planet is corrupted. "

" But Drax has a good intention, he's willing to give the money to the Kree orphans. "

" Now, that explains and Rocket? "

" Purely Greed..."

" Right, " she nodded and understood.

Suddenly, the couple received another transmission as Quill patched in. It was a hologram of a bespectacled Kree man which it appeared.

" Well, this guy looks familiar, " he muttered.

" This is Wang Tengfei from the Ceres Galliot, " the Kree spoke. " I need more volunteers and relief goods to the emergency fleet, Tambor. Please respond immediately, we have a population of my fellow exiled Kree. "

" It looks like the prize money goes to them, " Gamora turned to her boyfriend.

" Yep, " Quill smiled and replied. " This is Peter Quill aka Starlord from the Milano. We got a big cash donation for you guys. "

" Thank you, I'll give you the exact coordinates. "

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