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(Planet Psychowrathiavia, At the Edge of the Universe)

A blonde half-Kree woman arrived at the palace as she would meet the most important person in the planet. She walked around as the Psychowrathian guards assisted her going to the royalty's room. This would be very interesting for her in having a conversation with him.

The Psychowrathian guards brought her to a tall iron door in the palace with precious jewels along its surface gleaming beautifully through artificial means as they opened the door for her their armor clanging and banging inside was not a throne room like she expected, but a study like that of a college study hall.

" This is more beautiful than I see from the other planets. I wonder what would bring me, " she curiously thought and entered the room.

In the corner of the study, there was a roaring fire place and a nice one at that. The study's walls were lined with marble and platinum along with several jewels. The guards brought the blonde woman to a blonde haired man of toned physique who was enjoying a nice cup of tea. His crown was silver and his outfit was a simple sweater vest dress slacks and a type of obviously imported shoe the man eyed her curiously.

" Hello, I'm Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, " she formally greeted. " You have invited me for an important talk. Am I right? "

The man took a sip of his tea his pinky extending politely and gestured to a chair across from him to sit.

" Indeed, I did miss my name, forgive me. I am Psychowrath, the king of Psychowrathiava. It's the planet you now are on."

"I see it's nice to meet you. Your Highness, " Carol bowed at him and took her seat.

Psychowrath took his violin and played some of the most beautiful notes which Carol had ever heard his face concerned. He carefully put the violin down and cleared his throat

" There is a brute going around causing unwanted destruction and travelled through time. The cosmic ether is static uproars, Ms.Danvers. "

" Is it Thanos? " she asked and got alarmed. "I have gone to different planets Xandar, Hala, and Gamblix were all in ashes."

Psychowrath glared at the ceiling as the ether in the room intensified making the half-Kree woman's hair feel static charged for a second then went back to normal as his eyes shed a tear each.

" I thought something was wrong but this is what the issue is, " he turned to Carol, making his face serious and anxious. " Ms.Danvers, I checked with my cosmic awareness and Gamblix has been indeed in ashes, for a couple of months. Tell me, what's been happening, please."

" I don't know what I could tell, but when I saw those survivors and asked them what happened. They told me he and his cohorts have done, like looking for the other stones. "

Psychowrath's hands shook and then poured another cup of tea almost spilling some as he sipped in silence for a few seconds. Then all of a sudden, he jumped up as his cup had turned into a bag of grass that said east Friday on it.

" But they also told, Thanos had brought red giants, metallic ones, armored space rhinos, and other beings with him. "

Psychowrath put the bag of grass down and grabbed another cup from his pantry near a stack of books. When he moved back too his seat, he sneezed into a handkerchief and used hand sanitizer.

" So, he is recruiting more followers and has been reducing planets to a barren state. That is troubling news, my lady, " he anxiously replied.

" Yes, it's something I learned from my mother when I was younger. She let me read a story of the evil Purple King and the Ten Warlocks which the King will destroy different kingdoms and get the magic stones. Then, he will make another kingdom into ashes. It's a weird coincidence, a tale would come true. I'm not even sure if warlocks are the saviors. "

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