(23) The girl in the attic

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The girl in the attic 

Chapter 23 

Katie's POV 

As soon as he shut the door behind him a flood of tears escaped my eyes. This is not how it was supposed to be, he wasn't supposed to care about me, nobody was. It was bad enough that I had to leave Mickey but asking Preston to leave nearly killed me. I never planned on loving him but I do which makes everything so much harder. 

I had nothing to live for, no hope, no future, nobody that would miss me. It was supposed to be easy, I was just going to sit back and let it happen. I wondered if Preston would really leave. I somehow doubted it. It would be so much easier for him if he got out of my life now. 

The doctor had spoken to me about my condition before Preston came to see me. He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I didn't need a doctor to know that I was dying. 

Preston's POV 

I left her room feeling like a coward but knowing that I had to give her some space. She was going through a hard time, I'll come back later when she felt better and explain to her that I was never going to leave her. I had to tell her how I felt about her, make her understand how much she means to me. I had to make her understand that I wanted to help her get better and that I wanted to make her happy. 

I walked down the long hallway playing out the scene that had just happened over and over in my head. She looked so scared and sad when I left. I wanted to pull her into a hug and tell her that everything was going to be ok but how could I do that when I didn't even know what was wrong. I had to find out what was really wrong with Katie and what I could do to help. 

I wondered around the hospital aimlessly wondering what to do. There was no way I was going home without talking to Katie again. Actually there was no way I was going home without her, I would stay at this hospital for however long she had to. I dragged myself to the waiting room and fell down in one of the chairs. The waiting room was small and empty. The only other person there was the receptionist sitting behind the desk. She was busy reading a book and didn't pay much attention to me. 

I sat there for a while going over everything that had happened since I met Katie. I had to figure out what was going on with her so that I could help her. I know she wants my help she is just too scared to admit it. 

It was well after two in the morning when the young doctor that had treated her came walking into the waiting room. He walked over the receptionist and started talking to her. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could tell that it had something to do with me as both of them kept glancing in my direction. After a minute or two the doctor walked over to me and sat down on a chair next to me. 

"Don't you think you should go home and get some rest?" He asked looking at his watch. 

"I'm not going anywhere without her," I replied knowing that they couldn't force me to leave, I could stay here as long as I wanted to. He shook his head in understanding and then continued with the next question. 

"Did she tell you what is wrong with her?" He asked watching me carefully, I don't know what he expected but I couldn't get myself to care. 

"No," I answered not bothering to explain, it had nothing to do with him. 

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