(22)The girl in the attic

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The girl in the attic

Chapter 22

Preston's POV

My legs were aching from the speed I was running at but it didn't matter, I'll rest when I knew Katie was ok. I threw open the barn doors not really thinking about the fact that somebody could see me. I started running towards the ladder knowing that Katie would be waiting behind the hay when I say her body lying on the ground a few feet away. I froze in place for a second as my heart sped up and jumped around in my chest.

"Katie!" I yelled as I pulled myself together and ran over to her. I fell down on my knees beside her praying to God that she wasn't dead.  

"Katie," I said a bit softer this time as I pressed my fingers to her neck to see if she had a pulse. The beat was barely there and came at a slow pace but it was there which gave me a slither of hope.  

"You're going to be ok," I whispered to her trying to convince myself as well. She didn't respond to my words or to my touch as I got to my feet and scooped her up into my arms.

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins and all that I could think about was the fact that I couldn't lose her. She was so light in my arms that I could easily walk while carrying her. I pushed open the barn doors and made my way too my car as quickly as I could while keeping to the shadows. I was starting to get good at this whole sneaking around thing. I just wished I knew why I was doing it.

I slipped her into the backseat of my car feeling thankful that I still had my wallet and keys in my jean's pockets. I quickly jumped in behind the wheel, started my car and sped off. I had no idea where the hospital was but I'm sure it had to be somewhere around town which meant it wouldn't be too hard to find considering the town wasn't big at all. When I reached the small town a few minutes later I looked around at all the boards and found one telling me where the hospital was. I quickly followed it and within another minute or two I was pulling into the parking lot.

It wasn't a big hospital like the ones we had back home but it would do. I jumped out of the car feeling more nervous and worried by the second. I carefully pulled Katie out of the back seat where she laid and carried her into the hospital. She was still breathing softly but I was terrified of what might be wrong with her. As soon as I walked into the hospital the lady behind the desk noticed us and called for one of the nurses. An old grey haired lady ran over to us and after taking one look at Katie started yelling at the woman behind the desk.

Everything happened so fast that I wasn't really sure what was going on. The only thing I knew is that I did the right thing by bringing Katie to the hospital. She might not want it but she needed to be here. An orderly came running towards us pushing a hospital bed with a young male doctor running closely behind him. The orderly stopped right beside us and the doctor took Katie from my arms and placed her on the bed.

"What happened?" He asked as they rushed her into an elevator.  

"I don't know, I found her like this," I replied wishing I could tell them something more but I honestly had no idea what was wrong with her.  

"Are you related to her?" The doctor asked as he pressed a button for the second floor.  

"No, I'm her friend," I answered checking her chest to make sure she was still breathing.  

"Where are her parents?" He asked as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.  

"I don't know," I lied knowing that Katie wouldn't want Lina to know about any of this.

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