Chapter 19 - Past and Playful

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"Babe, c'mon get up" I heard Zayn from beside me. I had stayed over at his last night because well I just didn't want to be alone. Piper had stayed over at Harry's so it just made sense that I stay here instead. My head was throbbing from how much alcohol I had at the party but even that can't get rid of the flashbacks in my head of Craig and Katherine and telling everyone about my darkened past.

I groaned not only at Zayn but at the pain in my head and pulled the comforter over my head even more, not wanting to get up at all. I wanted to just stay here and let the bed swallow me whole, I couldn't face life anymore.

"It's 2:15pm. You're not staying in my bed all day" Zayn once tries again and this time pulls the quilt off my body, making me curl up in a ball holding my legs to my chest as the cold air hits my naked arms and legs.

I scowl at him before smirking. "There's something I've never heard from a guy before. Normally guys would want me in their bed" I chuckle to myself thinking I was actually funny, but by the looks of Zayn's face this wasn't even remotely funny to him.

"Funny" He says sarcastically. "Get up, breakfast will be ready soon although-" He stops to look at his watch "It is now actually past lunch time" Zayn goes to leave but before he does he stops in the middle of his doorway. "If you don't get up in the next 3 minutes, I will carry you downstairs myself" He threatens then finally walks away leaving me on my own in his bed.

I pull my eyebrows up in amusement. "Is that a promise?" I mumble to myself so he couldn't hear. Finally I begrudgingly pull myself up and off the bed and take my time to look around his room, it was the first time I was in here and actually took notice of everything.

The room was surprisingly clean and spotless, nothing I had expected from a 20 year old boy. His dresser was full of pictures in frames of him and 3 girls and 1 woman who i'm guessing is his mother and sisters, I noticed that there was no man meaning that his dad was literally not in the picture anymore.

"So you're actually making me get-" Zayn starts but then stops when he realised that I am out of his bed and now nosing at his stuff. "Whatever you ask I won't answer" He says in a cold harsh voice and I just nod my head understanding. Some people just don't like to talk about them things.

Without another word said I walk past him and head downstairs towards the kitchen, without him following me.

I started to make 2 cups of teas when I finally felt his presence behind me, his arms had wrapped around my waist and his head was now resting in the crook of my shoulder. "I'm sorry for being cold to you just then" He apologises making me turn around in his hold.

Wrapping my arms now around him I place a kiss onto his lips. "I understand. It's a difficult subject. You can just talk to me when you're ready" I empathise with him to which he just places another kiss on my lips. Pulling away from him I chuckle, "It's not like it was forced out of you in the middle of a party"

His face now contorted into a frown now remembering last nights incident. "Honestly I could kill Niall right now. I don't care if he has apologised!" He snaps and his eyes now darken in anger but when he looks into my eyes they go soft again, his brown eyes had softened to a hazel colour and I was now in a trance by my beautiful boyfriend. "I love you and I swear I'm never letting anything happen to you. Not again"

"I love you too" I reciprocate back to him and just let my eyes get lost in his. We were in silence now for what seemed like forever just wrapped in each others arms in the middle of his kitchen.

The kettle had now clicked and the toast had now popped up making us both jump and snap our heads to the devices. Zayn made his way over to the toaster sorting our food out whilst I carried on with our cups of teas. We met at the table, sat down and exchanged each others food and drinks.

I was half way through my toast when I realised I had to head home soon. Swallowing down the food I speak up getting his attention. "Could you drive me home please? Piper will probably be there now and I kinda need a shower for work tomorrow" I ask him but I already know the answer will be yes.

"Sure babe" He says with his mouth full of food which he swallows down with the last gulp of his tea. He gets up taking my plate with him and places them in the dishwasher for us. "You wanna go now?" He asks me finally putting his attention on me whilst drying his hands with a tea towel.

I nod my head and walk over to the sink placing my mug inside it. Walking away towards the stairs I felt Zayn's hand come in contact with my bum, he had slapped it making me squeal slightly and chuckle at the same time. I love it when he is playful like this.

We were finally dressed. By dressed I mean one of Zayn's top that was so oversized I actually wore it as a dress and then just walked bare footed out to the car carrying my heels. No way was I putting them on.

Climbing into the car Zayn chuckled. "You look better in my clothes than I do" He complimented making me laugh and lean over kissing his cheek as a way to thank him.

The drive wasn't long at all but when I pull up and see Laura and Nicola outside of my auntie's house I now wish I never left Zayn's bed this morning. At all.

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