Chapter 34

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I sexually identify as kilometers per second because I really wanna km/s.


This week has been helLLlLLlLlL and i needed sleep so i didnt update ;-;


"Run away with me."

Nagito's anger depleted due to the shock sudden request. He had never once thought about actually escaping the Afterlife before; it seemed impossible.

"What do you mean 'run away with you'?"

"Run away... away from everything. From Hell, from Junko. From this world."

"To where then?"

"Somewhere no one will be able to find us. Just you and me."

Nagito opened his mouth, flabbergasted. Had they such the audacity to do so?

"This time, I promise, Junko won't be able to find us."

Nagito's face crumpled into a stern expression, crossing his arms as his wings started to ache more than they had before.

"I disobeyed the rules. I'm not breaking them again, Hajime."

The brunet's eyes flitted over Nagito's scarred wings and his expression faltered, guilt washing over his features.

"If we can- are able to -run away, it won't happen to you again."

"We'll get caught." Nagito frowned.

"This time we won't."

Honestly, it wasn't a matter of if they got caught or not. What concerned Nagito the most was what Junko would do once she got hold of their plan. The thought that terrified the Grim Reaper the most in this scenario was the Queen using Hajime against him, threatening to kill him unless he obliged to her wishes.

He feared that scenario and that was what drove his decision.


Hajime stumbled backward, for he was quite sure that Nagito would accept his offer.


"No, Hajime. I won't run away with you."

I won't run away with you since I don't want you to get hurt because of our reckless decisions. As much as I want to... I just... can't.

"Why not? Is it your chains? I'm pretty sure that there's a way to get it off-"

"No is no. It's not the chains. It's not because of the rules. It's because I don't want to." The lie rolled off his tongue swiftly; better than he had expected.

Nagito turned away, spreading his aching wings.

"You were able to save me, so I assume you now know how to fly. I don't need to carry you anymore." He leaped into the sky, tilting slightly as he did so.

"Komae-" Hajime's voice was cut off by the wind that rushed past his ears.

Every wing beat made his back scream in pain and his lungs were still burning with the seawater that he had inhaled. His movements kept faltering, his flight path like one of a plane's that hit unexpected turbulence.

His wings suddenly cramped and his heart jumped to his throat, fearing that he was going to plunge into the ocean again.

Fortunately for him, strong arms gripped his waist, securing him to a warm chest.

"You can't even support yourself anymore," Hajime said. "How are you going to continue living like this?"

"I'll manage."

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