Chapter 9

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The Grim Reaper, his heart thundering in his chest, watched as Hajime ran off in a frenzy, the creature hot on his tail.

Quickly, Nagito shot toward the ground, pulling out his scythe as he scooped up his jacket that lay discarded against the asphalt.

He heard a yelp and a shriek of terror as the dark purple substance descended the hill a couple of meters in front of him.

Wasting no time, the albino extended his wings and beat them hard against the wind, propelling himself forward at an alarming speed. He was just in time when he saw the brunet curled up in a ball on the ground, the shield that he had placed around him about to shatter into shards as the monster tried to force itself through.

Calmly, as if he'd seen and done this many times before, he landed in front of Hajime, his heels meeting the dirt. A gale of wind erupted from his weapon when Nagito swung it at the creature, causing it to coil back in fear.

It wasn't a Wanderer, he thought while slashing at the creature. It was something much worse, an omen that had taken the form of a monster. Nagito bent his knees so that he was crouching, then using all his leg power, launched his body up into the air with his scythe positioned above his head.

The purple blob lashed out instinctively at the messenger of Death, its tentacle-like arms stabbing the air, trying to hit the albino. Nagito merely cut them in half.

Swinging his blade in a wide arc, the Grim Reaper ended the supernatural being's life.

A screech of pain erupted from it as it writhed under the blade, particles of its body already vaporizing.

Nagito let his wings vanish when he witnessed the agonizing departure of the purple substance, falling gracefully to the ground and landing on the balls of his feet.

He jogged over to Hajime, panting slightly. The white-haired boy shook his shoulder softly, murmuring the brunet's name.

"Hajime? Hajime?"

A tanned hand slapped over the shoulder Nagito was shaking, a strangled hiss escaping Hajime's throat. Then, a fist came at his face. Nagito stopped it with his palm, his eyes glued to the mafia leader.

"Come on," he spoke blandly. "Let's go back. You require medical attention."

He attempted to lift the brunet, but Hajime just wouldn't let Nagito assist him.

"Like hell I'm going back." Hajime snarled.

Nagito sighed in irritation, internally groaning. Why can't he listen to him for once?

"Stop wanting everything to go your way," the messenger snapped. "Life isn't like that."

Despite the struggling, the albino wrapped his arms around Hajime's waist and lifted him up. The brown-haired male squirmed in his arms.

"Put me down!" He yelled, twisting and kicking.

"Oh for the love of- Can you just shut up?" Nagito had had enough. Using the butt of his weapon, he knocked out the flailing boy, rendering him unconscious.


Some peace and quiet.


Nagito had immediately gotten to work when they arrived back in Hell, grabbing medical supplies from his cabinets. Hajime had apparently sprained his shoulder when he tumbled downhill. What an idiot.

Hajime had neglected to obey Nagito's orders, and now he paid for it. The albino snorted to himself. He hoped that the near-death experience would at least change the brunet's personality a bit so that he would be sensitive about the topic of Death.

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