Chapter 15

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So I guess I have to write the Mythical AU first...

Then I'll write the Gambling AU and then Demon AU.

Since I only have half the plot done for the Mythical AU, feel free to leave suggestions on what you would like to see in that story!

It hurt.

It hurt everywhere.

Agonizing pain coursed through his body, overwhelming his senses until he couldn't think straight.

He couldn't open his eyes. The pain blinded him. He couldn't move his limbs. They throbbed and ached when he attempted to do so.

There was something on his face, keeping his mouth shut. His arms were next to his head, and there was something impaling his right hand. His body was limp, and a sudden draft of wind sent shivers down his spine.

"Not so threatening, are we now?" A young, cocky voice taunted.

A chorus of laughter erupted from around him.

"Hey," the voice snapped. "Look to me when I talk to you."

His eyelids were glued shut, so he wasn't able to even if his life depended on it.

A spasm of pain shot through his body as pressure was harshly applied to the gaping wound in his stomach.

He wanted to scream in pain. To bite his lip until it bled. His hands attempted to clench into fists out of reflex, but the dull ache in his hand reminded him that there was a knife embedded in his palm.

"Doesn't it feel good for a masochist like you?" The voice said again, gaining more laughter. "Why don't we add in more for your pleasure?"

No! He wanted to scream. Hot tears burned beneath his eyelids, threatening to spill.

The tiny sound of a blade being unsheathed echoed in his ears. A cold feeling resided at the delicate skin of his stomach.

"Why don't I just slit your throat instead and end your miserable life?"

He shook his head weakly in hopes that the mysterious person would leave him alone.

"Well, too bad."

The knife came plunging down, and-

"Komaeda? Komaeda, you okay?"

Someone was shaking him vigorously. The albino's eyes snapped open. They were moist.

"You okay? Is there a problem?"

Nagito's eyes met olive ones as he realized that Hajime was hovering over him.

He shuddered, taking in a shaky breath.

It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He reached for his glasses, placing them on.

Hajime's mouth twitched downward into a slight frown.

"We have work to do, so we better hurry." Nagito swung his legs over the bed and hurried into the bathroom.

"Are we collecting souls again?" The brunet yelled from outside.

"No," The Grim Reaper replied, throwing on his black hoodie.

"Hey, what happened to the green jacket?" Hajime asked once Nagito came out of the bathroom.

The albino shrugged.

"We need to assist Her Majesty with her duties today, so stay as close to me as you can."


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