Chapter 32

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Omg thank you all so much for reading my story. I never expected to hit 100k reads. I'm so thankful for you who is reading my story, who voted, who commented and who followed me.


I'm planning to write a lot more books after this one and hope you'll give it just as much love as you are giving this story💜✨

Taehyung's point of view

I slowly opened my eyes, cold surrounding me.
I tried to sit up but a stinging pain in my head didn't let me. "Ah my head." I said to myself, I wanted to reach to my head with my hand but I couldn't. I looked over my shoulder and saw that my hands were tied behind my back.

"Where am I? What happened?" I asked myself looking around. I was in a room, walls made of concrete, I looked up at te ceiling and saw steel bars above me, letting in some light.

To my left, there was a heavy metal door, the room felt cold and damp. I moved a bit and heard chains move, I looked down and saw that one of my ankles was chained to the ground.

I turned around abruptly when I heard the metal door open. "Ah you're awake? Boss wants to see you, let's go." A man I had never seen said. He walked in with a pair of keys and unlocked the chain around my ankle. He pulled me up by my arm and dragged me out of the room.

I didn't dare to speak, I only looked around, trying to see where I was. We walked up a pair of stairs passing through again, a big metal door.

Once we were out we walked in a big open space, leaving to a wooden door. I looked around and saw that we were in some kind of warehouse. My eyes landed on metal bars on the floor, that was probably the bars I saw when I was in that cold room.

"Keep walking!" The man said, pulling my arm harshly. "Kim Taehyung, it took a bit longer than I had planned but finally, you're here." A voice said, I looked around the room and glared at him once my eyes met his.

"Jackson." I said, not afraid at this moment but angry.

He walked from behind his desk and came towards me. I tried to back up but that man was still holding my arm so I couldn't move.

Jackson grabbed my chin harshly, pulling me towards him. "You're finally mine." He said, stroking my face softly with his fingers. I tried to look away but he didn't let me.

"I'm not yours!" I said, spitting in his face. He closed his eyes, sucking in a deep breath.
When he opened them he looked angry, eyes darker than before. He let go of my chin and back handed me right across my face, sending me to the floor.

I looked up at him, tasting blood in my mouth. He wiped away my spit from his face and motioned the other man to help me stand back up.

"You should watch your mouth Tehyung, next time you do something like that, a slap won't be enough." Jackson treathened.

"Untie his hands, leave the room and lock the door." Jackson told the man that was still holding me. I was really confused, why would he want my hands free?

The man did as told and untied my hands, he bowed at Jackson and walked out the door. Locking the room from outside. I rubbed my sore wrists and looked around the room we were in. It looked like some sort of office with a big desk where Jackson was seated.

He just looked at me with a weird look in his eyes, like he just won the lottery or something.
"Did they hurt you?" Jackson asked, looking up and down my body making me very uncomfortable.

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