Chapter 4

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Third persons point of view

Jungkook was staring at Taehyungs face while Tae was playing with his hand. Trying to avoid Jungkooks gaze. "What's your name honey?" Jungkook said catching Tae off guard "K-Kim Taehung" he stutterd. Jungkook liked when he did that, it's cute. "For how long have you worked here? I come here pretty often but I haven't seen you around before." Jungkook said while getting a bit closer to Tae. "Not long, like a month maybe" he answered not looking at Jugkooks face. He felt really awkward sitting there while Jungkook constantly stared at him. "Do you go to college?" He asked, it's not like Jungkook didn't know that already. He knew almost everything about Tae. His name, age, where he lives, where he goes to school. But he didn't want to scare him, so he decided to make conversation so he would feel a bit more comfortable around him.

"Yes" he said exited." I'm an art major, I love to draw" he said with his beautiful box smile. Jungkooks heart skipped a beat when Taehyung smiled. With that question he broke the ice and Tae was now looking at Jungkook, still a bit shy but at least he looked at him. "Wow, art huh. Do you know much about that?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah I have to, because I study it." Tae replied. "What's your favourite artist?" Jungkook asked, seeing how Taehyung liked the art toppic. "Vincent van Gogh is my favourite artist ever. I hope I become as famous as him. That would be amazing" he said with shiny eyes, only thinking about becoming a famous artist made him happy.

It was his dream. When he was younger his parents didn't alow him to draw, they wanted him to study business. Tae revised. His parents said he could study everything he wanted if he paid for it himself and got an apartment. So he did, it was very expensive though. And Tae could barely get around with just this job.


After a while Jungkook got a call, the whole time they kept talking about art and paintings. Jungkook didn't know anything about it but he saw Taehyung was happy talking about it so he just went along with it. "Jeon" Jungkook replied to the caller with a low voice. Wich surprised Tae, before he was talking so calmly with a sweet voice. But now, he looked like a completely different person. "WHAT!! HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN" Jungkook yelled in the phone. It scared me, seeing him change just like that? Jungkook looked at Tae and saw the scared expression on his face. "Wait a minute Namjoon, I'll be right there". Namjoon? Who is that? What happened? Tae thought. "Im sorry, I need to cut the conversation short. Something....urgent came up" he was now smiling a bit at Tae because he knew he scared him. "O-okay, i'll leave to. It's late anyway" Tae replied, unsure what happened. Before Jungkook could reply Taehyung was already standing up, he bowed at Jungkook and walked away. Jungkook sighs, he scared him. Shit he thought and went after Tae who has a big head start.


Taehyung's point of view

What just happened??? I can't believe I just had drinks with a man I don't even know. But at first he was so sweet, it was awkward though. But I felt  at ease with him. But then he got a call, h-he became a completely different person.

I was so confused and scared that I didn't realize I went a completely different way than to my appartement. "W-where am i?" I asked myself not knowing where I was. I looked around to see if there is anything familiar. I was in some kind of back alley. It's really dark outside and there aren't many lights here. I walked down the back alley, every sound I heard startled me. "Hey baby, what are you doing here all alone?" I turned around not knowing who was talking to me. There where two drunk man in front of me. They where really tall. "Where are you going baby? Let's have some fun together huh?" The man said while I started to back up. I turned around and ran as fast as I could.

When I first moved here about a year ago something like this happened to me when I was drinking with Jimin at a bar. It was really crowded so I decided to go outside to get some fresh air. A drunk man came out of nowhere and started touching me. I was so scared I didn't dare to move. He almost raped me when Jimin came looking for me. He saved me back then. But now, I'm all alone....

I'm runnig for my life. Going right and left to lose the drunk men that are following me. But they just keep running after me and shouting at me. "BABY, THERE IS NO USE TO RUN". "WE'LL CATCH UP TO YOU ANYWAY". Just ignore the schouting Taehyung, I said to myself. Fuck it's a dead end... I try hiding behind a dumpster. Covering my mouth to mask my breathing.

For a pretty long time I hear nothing, did I lose them? "Shit, where did that boy go?!" I heard one of the men say, making myself as small as posible. "I don't know dude" the other man said and it's quiet again. Did they leave? I think they did. I looked from behind the dumster to only look straight in the eyes of one of the drunk man. "There you are baby, now stop running and let's have some fun together."

"AHH NO LET ME GO!" I shout when one of the man grabbed my arm harshly. "Shh baby, soon you will feel really good" the man smirks. I start stuggeling and try to run. "Shit, stop struggeling boy" the man said while he gave me a slap across my face. It hurted but I didn't stop struggeling. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE! HEL.." the man covers my mouth with his hand. "Feisty one aren't you."
"Look if there's something to tie him down with." The man said. Fuck how could this happen, I shouldn't have talked to that Jungkook man, if he wasn't here I wouldn't be in this situation now.

The man found a rope between a few trash bags. They began to tie my hands behind my back. "FUCK YOU ARE HURTING ME! LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!!". He hit me hard in my stomach, I fell forward on the ground and was coughing. The man grabbed my hair harshly and made me look at him. "The more you stuggle the more you wil get hurt baby" the man said while stroking my cheek, his breath reaking of alcohol. "Now let us begin the fun" the man said while unbuckeling his belt, and began touching me al over my body. I just shut my eyes and bit my lip, too afraid to see what would happen next...


Yes, what wil happen next? Read the next chapter to find out😏💕

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Yes, what wil happen next? Read the next chapter to find out😏💕.
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