chapter 12

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Deema's P.O.V

I woke up in my room still in my cloths from yesterday. i got dressed into something different and went downstairs to see my mom making breakfast. i went up to her and hugged her she jump but turned around to see me and smiled.

"good morning honey, today i need to talk to both you and zayn about your wedding. can you call him to tell him to come over?" she asked me

"of course mom ill call him right now" i hugged her one more time and went to the other room and dialed his number. he picked up in couple of rings.

"hello?" he sounding tired so i probably woke him up

"hey sorry its me Deema and my mom wants to know if you could come here to talk about the wedding?" i asked

"sure i will come over in an hour see yeah babe" he said and hung up

i went back into the kitchen and told mom when he was coming and she said OK. i ate breakfast and went to the living room and watched TV. after one episodes 'A Haunting' i heard the doorbell ring so i got up and opened the door to see zayn.

"hi babe" he greeted me and kissed my cheek and stepped inside. we went back the living room to see my mom already in there. she gestured for us to sit down so we did.

"well when do you guys want your wedding at?" she asked

"um well i want my mom to be there when i get married so i want it to be this month like the nineteenth?" he said unsure he looked at me for assurance

"i'm fine with that if you are Deema?" my mom said

i thought it over for a couple of minutes and said "yeah i'm fine with it too" 

"great so we got the date but where do you want it?" she asked us

"Deema how 'bout you decide this because i picked the date already" zayn suggested

"um we could just have it at a church i don't really want a big wedding" i said

"that's fine with me" zayn said

"OK we got that down so the parents will do everything else for you" she said and got up and went out of the room. that left me and zayn in the room. he leaned down and kissed me and said.

"are you ready to be Mrs. Zayn Malik?" 

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