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A/N: This is based off of a AmeLiet headcanon video I saw on YouTube. I left out and changed some of the dialog though. Also, I changed what happened as well. The account that made the video is BlackLionPants.

Lithuania was making coffee in the kitchen, when America burst through the door. He had a bloody nose and he was soaking wet. "Alfred what happened to you?!" Lithuania exclaimed. [Lithuania calls America by his name when he's worried]. "I got into it with Russia. We started throwing punches at each other and we were near a pond and Russia threw a really bad punch at my nose, so I fell in." America said. Lithuania grabbed a rag and started wiping America's nose. "Oh Alfred can't you go one second without fighting him?" Lithuania asked. "Probably not. I fixed the bastard's nose though." America said with a chuckle. "Alfred you need to-" America cut Lithuania off by giving him a peck to the lips. Lithuania smiled. He poured a cup of coffee. "Here drink this while I get you some dry clothes." Lithuania said. "Thanks Liet, I love you." America said. Lithuania  blushed. "Love you too."

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