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A/N: This was requested by Mitskuni. I will be using human names; America: Alfred, 2p!Canada: Matt. I hope you enjoy ^w^

Running in the night through the rugged terrain of the forest, Alfred stumbles and struggles to continue running through the ache in his feet and the burning in his lungs. He does not know exactly what is chasing him, but he can hear malevolent laughter mocking his pathetic attempt to get away from the being. He can see his childhood cabin about three yards away and pushes his body even harder so that he can get to it. He can feel that he would be safe if he could just make it to that cabin. Suddenly, he stops and he sees a familiar figure lying on the forest floor right in front of him. He puts two and two together when he sees a red and black flannel, and a mop of tattered, blond hair. It's his Matt lying there, surrounded by a huge pool of blood. Alfred is knocked to his knees by the sudden despair that has hit his soul like a punch to the stomach. He takes Matt into his arms, sobbing at the loss of his lover. He hears the laughter right behind him and turns around to see...

Alfred woke up in his bed with a start. His arms frantically reached next to him only to find that Matt was not there. In his panic, he threw off the duvet, tripping over it on his way out of the room.

"Matt!" he cried, tears pouring down his face. He ran down the stairs of the house he shared with his partner, nearly falling face first, but somehow managing to catch himself. He entered the kitchen and when he did not see Matt there, he started to run to the coat rack to get his jacket so that he could search outside, when he felt a pair of arms grab him from behind. He let out a shriek and struggled against the grip.

"Hey, hey! It's just me, Alfie. What's wrong?" Alfred felt relief flood through him. He turned around and buried his face in Matt's neck. He sobbed as he wrapped his arms tightly around Matt's waist. Matt gently took Alfred's chin in his hand and brought his face to his.

"Hey it's okay, baby. I'm here, nothing's gonna happen. What's wrong?" Matt cooed. Alfred took a few deep breaths to steady his voice and he slowly told Matt all about the nightmare.

"I'm so sorry, Alfie. I had just gone to smoke for a bit and I came in when I heard you calling me. I'm okay, though. We're okay. We're miles away from that cabin and those woods." Alfred nodded, suddenly feeling drained now that the adrenaline had left his system. He yawned and grabbed Matt's sleeve.

"Let's go back to bed." Alfred said quietly. Matt nodded in agreement and followed Alfred back upstairs. They picked up the previously dropped duvet and climbed back into the queen sized bed. Alfred gave Matt a chaste kiss on the lips before burrowing his face in Matt's neck once again.

"I love you, Alfie." Alfred smiled and wrapped his arms around Matt's shoulders. "I love you too."

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