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Poland was brushing her hair in front of the mirror when she got an idea. "Omg I should totally ask Liet out on a date, then I can tell him that I totally love him!" Poland suddenly stopped. "But what if he doesn't love me?" Poland asked herself. She looked at her blushing face in the mirror. "Ugh get a hold of yourself Poland!" She yelled at herself. "Even if he doesn't love you he'll still be your friend." She reassured herself. "But where should we go?" "Oh I got it! Liet's been wanting to see that new movie. What's it called? Oh Ouiji!" Poland said to herself. "It's a scary movie, but if I get scared that will give me the chance to cuddle Liet. Yes it's like totally a perfect plan!" Poland got up to call Lithuania. She dialed the number and waited. "Hello?" Lithuania said. "Hey Liet!  I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me to see that movie Ouiji?" Poland nervously twirled a strand of her hair. "Sure what time do I meet you there?" Lithuania asked. "Um at 5 pm." Poland answered. " Ok see you there." Lithuania said. "Kk bye!" Poland hung up the phone. "Yes! I'm like totally gonna get to tell Liet I love him!" Poland yelled excitedly. "Well not if don't start getting ready." She looked at the clock and it read 4 pm. She started to pick out something to wear. "Oh yes! This is perfect!" Poland exclaimed. It was an outfit that Lithuania had given her for her birthday. She was surprised how well he had done in finding something she loved. It was a white tank top shirt that had pink polka dots and a pink rose in the center of the shirt, as well as a pair of pink jeans. She was also surprised that Lithuania had known what size to get too. She quickly got dressed and started on her make up. She decided to put a little bit on. Just some mascara and lip gloss. She grabbed her purse and walked out of the house. She arrived at the theater at 4:45 and saw Lithuania just arriving as well. "Hey Liet!" She ran to him and hugged him. Lithuania smiled. "Hi Poland you look beautiful." Poland blushed. "Thanks Liet, you don't look so bad yourself." Lithuania was wearing jeans, a button up shirt that you would wear under a suit, and a really nice jacket that Poland had gotten him for Christmas. "Thanks." Lithuania said. They purchased their tickets and some popcorn, then went into the movie theater. They sat all the way in the back row. Poland was nervous in all honesty. Today she was gonna confess her feelings to the man she loves. (Okay Poland calm down you can do this, just wait for the right time). Poland thought to herself. "Are you feeling okay Poland?" Lithuania asked. "Oh yes I'm just nervous because of the movie." Poland answered hoping he wouldn't notice that she was lying. "We don't have to watch if if you don't want to." Lithuania said, worried for Poland. "Don't worry I'm totally fine." She said with a big smile. The commercials suddenly ended and the movie started. *mini time skip to the middle of the movie* Poland was really scared. She hadn't expected the movie to be so scary. Suddenly, a scary face popped up and Poland buried her face in Lithuania's chest. "Are you okay Poland?" Lithuania asked worriedly. " Y-yes I'm fine um Liet?" "Yes Poland?" Lithuania asked. (Come on Poland it's now or never). "I-i love you Liet" Poland said, then put her face in her hands feeling embarrassed. Lithuania sat there taking in what Poland had said. He had never felt so happy in his life. The love of his life loved him back. "Poland will you please look at me?" Lithuania asked gently. Poland looked up, her face was all red. Lithuania gently grabbed Poland chin and kissed her. Poland was shocked, but she slowly kissed back. She was so happy she thought she was gonna cry. They pulled apart and Poland hugged Lithuania. "I love you too." Lithuania whispered in Poland's ear. They stayed in each others arms for the rest of they movie and, when it was over they walked out of the theater hand in hand.


Author note: I tried my best and I don't think I did too bad. Thanks TaeminIzMahBabehAru for requesting and I hope you liked it.

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