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Today was Valentine's Day, the day England hated the most. "What's so great about some half naked baby shooting you with arrows?" she asked herself. There was a knock at the front door. She went to the door and opened it. "Hello Angleterre! Happy Valentine's Day!" France said. England rolled her eyes. France held out a red rose and gave England a smile. She took the rose and as she did, France took her hand in his and kissed it. England blushed and looked away. "May I come in?" France asked. England nodded and stepped aside. "So, did you have any plans for to day mon amour?" France asked. "No, I hate Valentine's Day." England answered. "How could you hate Valentine's Day? It is the day of love and confessions." France asked. "Whatever. Either way, it's stupid and annoying." England said as she crossed her arms. "Did something happen to you on Valentine's?" France asked, looking into England's eyes. England averted her eyes.  "No you stupid frog." England said. "Are you sure." France persisted. "You want to know why I hate it? A few years ago, I actually had some feelings for America. I confessed on Valentine's Day and he said no. But that's not all he said. He said he "Wouldn't want to spend time with an annoying, bickering person like me. That no one ever will." The reason I am the way I am is the Revolutionary War. I bicker and I'm rude to people, but it's my only defense against cracking. I just..." Tears began to prickle England's eyes, threatening to spill over. France felt bad for the poor girl. He always picked on her not knowing that she felt this way. He pulled England into his arms. "Shh it's okay anglterre, don't cry mon amour." France cooed. "What does that even mean?" England asked. "You mean mon amour?" France asked. "Yes." she replied. "It means my love." France said, smiling slightly. England looked up at him and focused her eyes on his. France gave her a warm, loving smile. England gently pulled down France's face to hers. When they were close enough to where their noses touched, England said, "I love you France, even if I hit you and call you a frog. Just remember that." With that she connected their lips. It started off slowly but quickly got heated. France removed England's shirt. "If we're going to do this, let's go to my room. Knowing America, even if he doesn't like me that way, he'll still barge in at some random time." England said. France nodded and picked her up bridal style. (Maybe Valentine's Day isn't so bad after all)
A/N: I will be getting on the other requests right away. I made this one first for TaeminIzMahBabehAru because she asked me in person before I saw any of the requests here. Hope you liked it senpai :3

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