It is I, the tagiest tag :P

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I announce that with nostalgia and slight sadness in my heart, this book has come to an end. Thank you all so much for the endless support and the requests you all have provided for me, and thanks for putting up with the long, unannounced hiatuses.

Since this is the closing of my book, I will end it with a challenge I was tagged in by AfterAllImAnIdol. The rules are that I must answer 13 questions asked by the tagger, write 13 facts about myself, ask 13 questions for the people I tag, and have a unique title (I tried honestly). Here is goes ^-^

1.) Do you have any hobbies besides writing/drawing? What are they?
• I don't have many hobbies besides writing and drawing, but I do like to read books and fanfiction. I also like to play musical instruments.

2.) Do you cosplay?
• Yes but not often. I don't really have the funds to buy the fancy stuff for cosplay, so when I do do it, they are simple.

3.) Have you ever wanted to move to a different country? Where, if so?
• I have wanted to move. I thought of one of the Nordic countries.

4.) Have you ever had a crush on your own characters?
• I only have one oc but I've never had a crush on her.

5.) What's your sexuality?
• I am a lesbian

6.) What about your religion?
• I am Catholic but I'll admit I haven't gone to church in like a year.

7.) Would you smooch an AfterAllImAnIdol?
•Well friend, I am taken so I would probably smooch you on the cheek platonically.

8.) Quick, list your top three favorite characters you've ever created.
• I only have one character. Her name is Turquoise and she's a (crystal) gem.

9.) Now list your first! Don't be shy, we all made weeaboo characters when we started!
• As stated before, Turquoise is my first and only oc. I made her last summer.

10.) Do you like reality tv?
• Not particularly, plus I don't have the kind of cable that provides those channels so...

11.) Mexican, Asian, or American food?
• American. I love hamburgers ^w^

12.) Weird question! Favorite number!
• A tie between 2 and 28

13.) Have you ever beaten someone up in defense of another person? (verbally or physically?)
• I have not. I ignore and/or avoid that person and give that other person advice on what actions to take, because I'm non-confrontational.

13 Facts About Me:

1.) I play like about 5 instruments (Clarinet, flute, saxophone, ukulele, guitar.)

2.) I am currently addicted to the webcomic called Omgcheckplease on tumblr by Ngozi. Those hockey gays keep me up at night.

3.) I believe in ghosts.

4.) I have a lovely girlfriend who I have known since I was in middle school.

5.) I attend an early college high school where I can graduate from with an associate's degree.

6.) I am not afraid to sleep in the dark. In fact, it helps me fall asleep quicker.

7.) Even though I have never done it, I desperately want to go ice skating and I may get my wish soon. (Edit: I went ice skating on a field trip in May 2016 and it was super fun even though I almost gave myself a concussion :3)

8.) I love to watch the show Supergirl. It makes my Mondays more exciting.

9.) I am afraid of the unknown of what comes after death.

10.) I have existential crisis' way more than a 15 year old girl should have. Sometimes I feel like a pair of eyes watching the outside world from inside my body. It's freaky.

11.) I have loved mermaids ever since I was a little girl and the Little Mermaid was my favorite movie.

12.) I believe there is life out there in the universe. It is so vast and there is so much we have not explored, that I find it impossible to believe that we are alone. I also believe in alternate universes.

13.) I am scared to drive but I know it would make things way more convenient when the time comes if I learned how. ( I am not of legal age yet, though.)

Okay so I tag:


Here are my questions for you:

1.) What is your favorite food/kind of food?

2.) Name five of your otps.

3.) Now name five of your favorite songs.

4.) What is the scariest/creepiest experience you've ever had?

5.) Do you like creepypastas? If so, which ones? (It can be the characters or the stories)

6.) What is your favorite color?

7.) Favorite animal?

8.) Have you ever taken a trip out of state/the country? If so, where did you go?

9.) Do you play video games? If so, which ones?

10.) Do you have an original character? If you do, talk a little bit about them.

11.) What was the first anime you ever watched?

12.) Do you read manga?

13.) What was it like for you when you first experienced shipping? Did you think it was weird or did you just jump into it headfirst?

A/N: Thank you @AfterAllImAnIdol for tagging me in this challenge. I had a lot of fun answering and creating questions. Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support you have unconditionally provided me through my experience writing both this book and my ask the characters book. I hope to see you all again soon in my next book, whatever it may be :3
Peace and Sunflowers,
Clairvoyantmiester ^-^

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