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A/N: FACE family and I will be using Human names

As usual Francis and Arthur were arguing. Matthew sighed and wistfully looked out of his window. He hated to hear his parents say mean things and hit each other. There was a small knock on Matthew's door. Matthew walked to the door and slowly opened it. Standing there was his brother Alfred. "Come play video games in my room Mattie." He whispered. Matthew nodded and followed Alfred to his room. They battled against each other fiercely. "No way is the hero is letting you win!" Alfred yelled. Suddenly Matthew did a combo move and won. "What?! No way how'd you do that?!" Alfred exclaimed. "I know some secrets." Matthew said with a small smile. There was suddenly a crash downstairs. Alfred and Matthew jumped. They heard their "mother" yell at Francis. Yes they had two dads, but they preferred to call Arthur their mother and Arthur didn't mind. "I'm gonna go check if they're okay." Matthew said quietly. Alfred suddenly grabbed his arm. "Wait don't you know how they get!" Alfred whisper-yelled. "I'll be fine. You can watch from your door." Matthew said. Alfred hesitantly agreed. Matthew walked slowly down the stairs. "Arthur, please mon amour don't be angry." Francis pleaded. "Don't be angry?! You don't even spend time with our sons and I anymore! What's so important that you can't come home on time?!" Arthur yelled. Francis looked pained. Arthur lunged at Francis, about to slap him. Matthew put his hands around Arthur's waist and held him back. Arthur jerked his elbow back, hitting Matthew in the rib. Matthew let out a small cry of pain and stumbled back.  Arthur suddenly froze, realizing what he did. He turned around and saw Matthew on the floor, clutching his chest in pain. Arthur went down on the floor in front of Matthew, pulling him into his arms. "Matthew I'm sorry, love!" Arthur apologized. "It's okay mom, I'm fine. Don't worry aboot it." Matthew said. Tears fell from Arthur's eyes. It hurt Matthew to see either of his parents cry. Matthew started crying too. "I love you mommy." Matthew said quietly. "I love you too." Arthur said, his voice hoarse from yelling and crying. Alfred ran down the stairs. "Grab my hand you two." He told them. They got up and looked at Francis. "Well I have an answer to your question." Francis said. He blushed a bit and looked down. Arthur cocked his head to the side. "Oh?" He said. Francis walked up to Arthur. "Arthur, my beautiful Arthur." Francis cooed, putting his hand on Arthur's cheek. He got down on one knee and took out a small box. Matthew and Alfred looked at each other,  knowing exactly what this meant. They stepped away from Arthur and watched from the side. "Arthur, since the day I met you I was captivated by your beauty. I had never met anyone like you. Right then and there, I knew I wanted to spend my life with you. When Alfred and Matthew came into our lives, I felt like I had been blessed once again. You all are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Arthur Kirkland, will you marry me?" Francis said. opening the box. It revealed a silver ring with a beautiful diamond in the center. Arthur was speechless. He covered his mouth with his hand. Tears of joy streamed down his face. "Yes! Of course I will! Francis I'm so sorry! I gave you all this trouble when you already had enough getting this ring. I'm sorry I was angry with you." Arthur said. He pulled Francis up up and hugged him tightly. Francis gently pulled Arthur's chin and kissed him softly. Matthew smiled and looked at Alfred, who was smiling just as brightly. Their parents pulled and part and looked at them. "Come here boys." Arthur said. As they walked over, they were pulled into a group hug. They stood there in each other's arms, laughing and smiling.
A/N: The next chapter in my ask the characters is in progress. I'm making sure I take time with it. Thanks for reading :3

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