Chapter Eleven: Fixing...

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So basically I know I haven't writting any chapters but here I am, also...

Yes I know File is always breaking the forth wall, but that's why I like him UwU

File:Can you shut up and start with this story...

File, can you do that for me, and stop with the forth wall breaking?

File:No, because that's why I was created. To break the forth wall.

touché... Anyways, let's begin...

*Principal's pov*
File was right...
I ruined it by myself...

My chances to win Y/N's heart, had vanished.
Now she/he was annoyed at me...

Is it too late for me to apologized?
Well...I better try, if not...I will lose her/him...

*One hour later...*
Where is he/she?!
I haven't found her/him in the schoolhouse.
I asked every single student and even worker about Y/N, and nothing.

I'm very worry about Y/N.
What if she/he left us?

I sat down in the floor hugging my legs crying a little bit.
When I heard some footsteps.
I turned around and I saw it was File.

"What do you want?"I asked him a little bit angry.

"Just making sure you are okay."He responded not even showing an emotion.

"Why do you even care about me all of the sudden?"I asked again.

"Well, because the author wants us to be friends."He said, breaking the forth wall.

"No breaking the forth wall in the halls."I said.

He chuckled a little bit and looked at me.
"Look, I need to tell you this."

"Tell me what?"I asked.

"I think I know where Y/N is."He told me.

I got surprised and stand up quickly, "Really?!"

He nodded,"He/She is in her house, probably crying about the whole thing just happened. Luckily I don't think it is too late for you to apologize to him/her."

I sighed,"Thank goodness, I really appreciate your help File and...sorry being a jerk to you. I just didn't trust you and..."

"You were jealous that I was with Y/N everytime? Yeah I know it's okay."He said with a smirk.

We stopped talking and we decided to go to Y/N's house.
It took us 30 minutes to go there and we finally made it.

*Your pov*
I was at my room, crying.
I tried to just let it go, but I couldn't...
Principal was a very close friend to me ever since I came to work at this school.
But I knew that there is something inside...something that my head doesn't want me to admit something.

I sighed and lay on the bed hugging my pillow.
Then, I heard a knock on the door, which it was weird.
No one comes to my apartment at this time of the day, except the mailman.

I went to the door and opened it.
It was Principal and File.
I was surprised to see them.
"Princi? File? What are you doing here?"I asked.

"I came here to tell you something?"Princi replied.

", come in."I said and let both of them in.

I went to where it was the dining room next to the kitchen and sat there.
"So...what do you want to tell me Princi?"I asked.

"Well...I just wanted to say that. I'm sorry for always drag you away from File, I was...jealous that you hang out more with File."He said.

I smiled at him, "It's okay, I forgive you. If you wanted to hangout, you should've asked."

He smiled at me and File just gave him a thumbs up while smiling.
"Just one question, how do you guys know where I live?"I asked them.

"The author of this book told us."File winked at me.

"What?"I said very confused

"What?"He repeated and started laughing.
Princi and I started laughing as well.

And ever since that day everything come back to normal.
Principal and File are now best friend, Princi and I hangout more than usual.

And basically Princi and I became even closer.
Everything was just going so smoothly.

*No one's pov*
A men was with his phone trying to communicate to Y/N.
No answers....

He looked angry and gave up.

"Why isn't she/he responding?!"He said.

He looked at a picture of Y/N and him together.
"Soon I will find you...and you'll be by my side, whether you like it...or not."

To be continued....

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