Chapter Nine: The Plan

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You are probably wanting a love triangle of PrincipalxreaderxFilename2, but NO!!!

This is a Principal x reader book!

Probably will make another book about a love triangle about that game, let me know if you guys want to read that.

Anyways on to the story!!

*PlayTime's pov*

This is bad...

My favorite couple is falling apart, I don't want Principal to be sad knowing that Y/N will be a couple with File.

Because I always found her/him with File talking, walking and sometimes laughing at some jokes.

Not only that, the day that they met for the first time File gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek. That was a bad sign.

So, I went to where it was Bully and Baldi, and told them about what I saw. Obviously they also thought that it was bad that Y/N fall in love with File.

We tried to make a plan , but we had no idea how it was gonna work. But then Bully said,

"I know! We should let Princi spend with Y/N all day, without anyone interrupting them!"

Baldi and I were so surprised about clever he was, but the problem was that it was gonna be so hard to make Princi and Y/N be together for a whole.

But luckily Baldi was able to manage it because of his hearing ability.

*The next day*

It was time...

I was with Princi and he knew about the plan we did, he was nervous but he had the courage to do it.

Y/N was alone reading a book, this was perfect. I whispered to Princi to finally go talk to her, he took a deep breath and went to him/her.

This is going to be great!

*Principal's pov*

I went to where Y/N and talked to her/him, "H-Hi Y/N."

She/He looked at me and smiled, "Hello Princi, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine and you?", I asked.

"Same just reading a book."She/He replied, I take a look at the cover and it was a book that I read a while ago.

"Oh, I'd read that book it's great."I said. She looked very surprised.

"You really like this kind of book?"Y/N asked. I was startle a bit because she/he was a little bit close to my face making me blush a little bit.

"Y-Yeah, I find it very interesting to read that kind of books."I said.

Since then we have been talking about our favorite books and even more. We have been hanging out a lot.

During break time, after work and even outside of the schoolhouse.

It was the best!

Until one day...

We were in the faculty rooms, when I saw that she/he was feeling a little bit down which it was strange to me.

"Hey, are you okay?"I asked to her/him worried.

"Kinda...It's just...File hasn't been here or hanging out with me he...mad at me?"Y/N replied.

I was confused about it, why would she/he care about someone who did horrible things.

"I don't know, maybe his busy."I replied.

"But...whenever I seen him he just...walks away from me, like avoiding me...I am such a bad person?...yeah...I think I am."She/He said.

Just by hearing said that, I was so surprised to hear her/him said that.

"NO YOU AREN'T!!"I yelled, "You are such a nice, kind hearting and an amazing person! You did many good things since you arrived here, you changed everyone! I really admire that part of you Y/N because I....I-I..."I was trying so hard to say 'I love you.' but I just can't.

When I was finally going to say it, the bell rang making Y/N not able to hear it.

"Hugh? what did you said?"She/He asked.

I sighed, "Nothing...hope you have a great day."

Just like that she/he left.I was so close to do it, but the frickin bell decided to rang. Now that I think about it, I remember that Baldi is the one in charge of the bell but when I saw him walking in the halls when the bell started to rang, it wasn't him.

So who could it be that one who did it?...

Another cliffhanger haha!! >:D


Well I hope you guys liked the chapter, and yep in here there is no Filename2.

Well at least his POV, but the good thing he wasn't breaking the forth wall.

So that will be it so...


Words in the chapter:700 words

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