Chapter Seven:Love?

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*Y/N's pov*
Everytime I came to this schoolhouse I feel like the atmosphere changes a lot.
I'm not talking about Baldi is not hitting his students, what I'm saying is that all the students are now happy and relax about it.
Also because Princi is more expressive, Baldi once told me that Principal used to be cold, serious and very emotionless.
But ever since I came he got happier.

This made me felt like I was the solution their problems.
Which I think it is great.

But there is something that I don't understand.
It is about Principal, I know he has something going on, something inside of him.
Sometimes I found him doing strange things when I'm with him.
But whatever, he is such a good friend to me.

Just a friend?....
Why did I felt like my heart was hurting when I think Principal is just a friend?

Is it just more than friendship?

"Y/N, are you okay?"Baldi said, making me stop thinking about earlier.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay. What do you need?"I asked, "Well, Principal told me to give this paper work for you."He replied.

I said 'Thank you' and he left.

I started to do the paper work but I couldn't concentrate at all, I was thinking about my feelings towards Principal.

I didn't knew if it was just friendship or even more than that.

*Time passes brought to you by me writing this chapter at 10:00 p.m.*

It was break time, I was walking around the schoolhouse. It was pretty boring until I found out the Bully and PlayTime were looking at me.

" you guys need any help?"I asked to them, "Yeah, can we ask you some questions?"Bully replied.

I was confused about it, why would they need to ask me questions? But, I guess answering them won't be bad.

I think they wanted to get to know me more even though it's been almost a month since I'm working here.

"Yes you can."I answered.

Then we went into a classroom and everyone took a sit.

"Okay, first question: What do you think about the school?"PlayTime asked.

"I think it is peaceful and very cheerful to be here and teach the students."I said.

"Second question:What are your thoughts of everyone?"Bully asked.

I took a big breath and sighed,

"Baldi:Even though he hit his students with his ruler, he changed and he become more friendly.

PlayTime:A very energetic student and very positive.

Principal:He is a sweet guy, always by my side and he someone who I trust... a lot." Before I could say the others Bully said,

"Okay that's enough thank you!" and they left.

That was strange, I couldn't even mentioned the others.

*Bully's pov*

We finally got what Y/N thinks about the Principal, this is great!

Even better than all the items I have, me and PlayTime were running trying to find Baldi but Principal caught us.

"No running in the halls..."

I thought this was bad but I decided to show Principal what Y/N thinks of him.

"Hey Princi, we got some information about Y/N."I said, then Principal looked at me with a face like 'Wait, really?'

"It is about what she/he thinks about you!"PlayTime said. I took out the recorder, and play it when she/he answers the question.

(A/N:He recorded your voice when he asked that question.)

He began to blush and to smile

"I'm glad that's what she/he thinks of me

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"I'm glad that's what she/he thinks of me."He said all happy.

PlayTime was also happy that Principal could find love, it was such a....good moment.

"DO I HEARD SOMETHING ABOUT LOVE!!!"Baldi came bursting through the door yelling. PlayTime screamed making her fall, Principal and me were looking at Baldi.

Eventually he heard everything about him saying what he said earlier and the recording.

Apparently, Principal was surprised that he knew about Principal's crush on Y/N and that he will helped him make them be a couple.

This is gonna be great.

Hope you liked this chapter guys, it was a little bit hard to write this but it is finally done for you guys.

Anyways, see you later.


Words in the chapter:685 words

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