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The rest of the school day was fine and I tried to engage in lesson as much as I could but it was quite hard and I would sometimes drift a little.  I didn't see Lola around school again but I did see Grace after school and decided to listen to their demos to get a feel of what they wanted the play to be like.

They had used sounds from the bus crash. As the sounds flooded my ears I couldn't help but think about Olivia. The sounds she must have playing on repeat in her mind.
I had ripped the earphones out and handed them back to Grace.

"It's..good. Yeah." I stuttered before jumping up and running to my car. That music was dark. I could do dark. I was good with the dark.

I had driven home and scrambled right onto my computer. My fingers sparking as they typed. I had written and I hadn't stopped until dinner.

 I had written and I hadn't stopped until dinner

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Mum had made chilli. Hunter, Frankie and I were sat around the table with her. Frankie had seemed to be in an off mood, and I just wanted to be back on my laptop. I still had Grace's demo playing in my head. Still had Olivia in my head.
"Did you have a good day at school?" Mum asked.

It was Hunter who surprisingly spoke up first to break the quiet.

'I did. You know that money Mr Hollingsworth gave me for Christmas that you wanted us all to spend on the gaming equipment?" He asked and we all settled down our cutlery to listen.

"I do." Mum smiled nodding.

"Well, as you know my parol means that I can't exactly play those games anymore so Yael suggested we invest the money on some camera equipment instead, so yeah....that's what we did. I just thought you'd want to know." He elaborated.

"What do you need camera equipment for? You'll need to cut your hair if you are thinking of becoming a model brother

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"What do you need camera equipment for? You'll need to cut your hair if you are thinking of becoming a model brother." Frankie quipped and I gave her the satisfaction of a little laugh. Frankie had been teasing Hunter about his hair for weeks. All summer he had been growing it out, it was like he was purposefully giving himself, the 'I just escaped going to juvie' look for coming back to school. I suppose Yael liked it, however, so that's all that mattered.

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