Daniel 12

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They had reached the heart of the mountain. Somehow trough a small hole the moon showed its light. And showed us a massive cave, with crystals everywhere. And Daniel followed her to a table like thing, in the centre. As they grew closer he realized that they weren't alone. At the table sat 5 people, A woman, a young man, 2 older men and a girl in her twenties. "Meet my family, the 5 that remained" and Daniel looked intrigued at all of them. Violet sat down at the head of the table and gestured that he could sit next to the young girl. "Where was I with the story..." she paused to think, "oh, yes... The 'tentoria' aka the soulless can't get into the mountain, something about this place seems to frighten them beyond there will to 'live'. So, we have made this our home until we can find a way out of here. We don't want the island back. We just want to leave" Daniel listened and already was planning how to get out. "So, you need a ship? Hu? Well, I can take you with me... But you have to help me find my crew and find me a mirror" Daniel said, "A mirror? Why do you need a mirror?" The older woman asked. "I need to see something, and I can only see it in a mirror" Everyone at the table looked at each other and shook their head, yes. Violet walked to a wall and broke off a piece of crystal, she handed it to Daniel, "One mirror as asked" Daniel look at what he held in his hand and indeed it worked as a mirror. Daniel looked up and saw that all the people from the table stood up, "Where are you going?" Daniel asked. "To find your crew, but we need your help" She looked at him, "You need to fight the tentoria if you want to get to your ship"

So there they went each a different way to make sure they would find everybody of his crew. Daniel held his hand on his wound that had reopened when they ran. He prayed to any god that could be listening to save his men, and to make sure Eos was okay. Just before they were about to leave the mountain, he heard a voice from inside his jacket, it came from the mirror. "Daniel, can you hear me?" It was the voice of Eos. "Yes! I can hear you!" he grabbed the mirror with two hands and he let himself fall to the ground. Sitting in a puddle of water he held the mirror in front of him. "I have to tell you something!" they both shouted at the same time. And they told each other had had happened in the last few days. "Oh, my god are you okay?" Daniel asked worried. "No, but I will be" Eos answered with a hopeful smile. "But what about you? You're in way more trouble than I am!" In the background Violet stared at him, he looked like a lunatic. But she remained quiet. "I will be fine, I think?, I'm more worried about my crew" He looked at the ground, "I feel like I failed them by ever leaving them alone" Daniel look immensely sad. "I'm sure that they are fine If they are even a little bit like you" Her eyes shimmered. Daniel heard a sound from outside, "Eos thank you... but I have to go now, I will make sure I see you again... Goddess of the rising sun" and he blows a kiss to the mirror. Eos didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. Daniel stood up and followed Violet. He held his hand on his wound and prayed to any god that could be listening to save his men, and to make sure Eos was okay. The exit Violet had chosen led to a clearing behind the village, from her they could see a group of tentoria in the middle of a square. Violet pointed to a small corridor that led to a place where his men probably where. Daniel drew his sword and gave one of his daggers to Violet. And there they went...

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