Daniel 2

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Daniel went with his hands through his hair and starred in front of him, to the mirror where he finally saw himself, and not Eos. He stood up and walked away from the mirror in disbelief and a daze of happiness with a small fear coming up. A fear that this mirror would not show him that girl again, that he was dreaming or drunk. But he set his mind straight and thought about that girl. He had just spoken with a goddess from another realm or world, he doesn't even know, her hair red as fire, her eyes so green.... She looked perfect. That this happened to him is nothing short of a miracle. While sailing the forgotten seas he had seen a lot of things. But nothing so crazy, so amazing. Once he got attacked by a sea monster and another time he and his crew had been lured by a group of sirens and they had barely escaped, but the thing that had changed his life before had been the disappearing of his dad.

A few years ago, on a stormy winter night, the rocky sea and starless night the only thing in view. Daniel couldn't sleep, the sounds of the open ocean keeping him awake. That evening his father had told him not to come out of his room until sunrise, it was of the utmost importance. But how did his father ever expect him to listen, he was a pirate. So when the sounds of the sea kept him awake he decided to ignore his father's warning. The clothes he whore were nothing if not old. Rags would have been better, but he didn't want to make a sound that his father could hear. Putting on his fancy cloths would make a lot of noise on this stormy night. So Daniel only slipped into his boots before he left his room. The deck was busy with people hoisting the sail, tying down ropes. No one noticed him, no one cared, sailing through a storm was hard enough. The son of their captain would have to look out for himself. The rain soaked his ragged old cloths, but the night called him. Just when he was half way to the main mast he heard a whisper calling his name, calling to go to his father's cabin. He placed a hand on the door when he heard his father talking to someone "You really want to do this then?" His father said to someone in the room. Nothing answered. "okay how do you plan on doing this then? You must have a brilliant plan" "I will have what I came for, You can do nothing but help" A ancient voice hoarse and as cold as death, as empty as the void spoke. "What can you give me? What can repay me for my only son?" His father asked. The words sunk in him but before shock could overtake him he heard the whisper again and he had no control when he pushed open the door. A shadow cloaked in darkness was what he saw. The thing he saw, the voice he heard. It was calling him to come, closer and closer. He stepped in and the shadow reached out a boneless hand. But his father turned to Daniel and with shock on his face he said angry "you should have stayed in your room" and the Shadow stopped and looked at the boy and then back at the man. "I will trade your son for your soul" The voice so cold that a shiver went down Daniel's back. "I will make you a deal then, My soul for his life" And with those words Daniel's father stepped towards the cloaked shadow and shook its hand. Shadows formed around his father and the voice said hoarse "Deal" And in an instant his father and the cloaked shadow had disappeared. Never to be seen or heard from again.

He is 18 and an orphan. His mom died right after he was born. And since his father's disappearance he had been captain, with a crew and people that he is responsible for.

But they didn't throw him to the wolves. He has a first mate who helped him for years to be a good captain but now that he reached the age of 18 he stands alone as captain only to take advice from his first mate and his dad's best friend, Jake. Jake is short and chubby and wears a red hat, like those you use in winter time. He is like an uncle to him. But he has an entire crew to worry about. And that is what he does most of the time, worry.

Daniel walks onto the main deck of the ship in a particular good mood. "Hey, captain? everything okay?" Asked Jake "Yeah, everything is good, very good... Uhh? Ohh before I forget, set sail to a nearby shore. Its time to replenish and fix some things" "Aye, Aye captain will do!" Said Jake.

His ship, the 'Black Reaper' is big like those you hear about in stories. Its big black sales can take you through any storm and the main mast is as thick as a tree that's hundreds of years old. The steering wheel carved from the best tree he could afford, has golden laces on it. And the captains quarters are at the rear of the ship. On the main deck there is a door that leads to the stories below, where the crew's quarters and the kitchen reside. In the hold they place the things they steal from people, their ammunition and other cargo.

Daniel walked to the bow of the ship. Holding with one hand the mast and with his other he went through his hair, staring into the endless ocean looking for the truth. "was it real, did it really happen, or was it all just in my imagination" thought Daniel. He was scared and lonely sometimes, this danger out here makes you want to see a new friendly face. Seeing a gorgeous girl would be one way. But how could he make this up? She had bright red hair standing on edge and she had glowing green eyes, and a necklace with an emerald in it, she was wearing a dress with flowers on it, she looked gorgeous like a princess even though she's a goddess. And the way she explained her magic. He didn't have the brains to make this up, it must have been real. And no matter what the wild waters would bring him he HAS TO see her again no matter what.

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