Eos 9

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When Eos got to the cave Ubris was meditating on his rock, like always. She rushed to him like she was about to explode. "Ubris you're never going to believe what just happened!" Eos said breathing fast and heavy, "there was this old tree and I saw a soldier who killed himself and children playing and they just as they appeared they disappeared!!" Ubris stood there with a calm expression on his face. "Many dreams have been dreamt and many lives have been lived, we can see those lives, those dreams-" Ubris gestured to a chair in the far corner and Eos took place there "-we are the only bridge between the two worlds and we guard that bridge" "but what you mean, two worlds???" Eos asked confused "Many millions of years ago, when the old gods made this plane, before we made the earth. The old gods made a shadow world, this shadow world was meant for all the monsters that came through from other planes. They couldn't keep them out, they were made with a power to great for the old gods. So the shadow world became into existents. And when the old gods made our people they gave the key to this world to a very few." Ubris paused for a second and realised that this was the time to tell the whole story. "These people later became known as dream catchers, they keep the line between the shadows and the light. Many don't know that every time they close their eyes they don't see darkness but shadows... When you sleep you see the shadow world through a mirror, reflecting your life, your fears and your hopes back to you. The demons from the shadow world want to be freed, so they try to shatter the mirror between us and them-" Eos felt sick, she stood and started pacing "-Eos we are the only defence from the shadows. Our kind is only born ones every generation. Eos stood still looking baffled by his words. Suddenly things fell into place. Eos felt calm and confident as she started to understand what that meant to her. Maybe she could be who she thought she needed to be...... a Dream Cather. A few hours later she went back to that tree. That old beautiful tree, its purple leaves.... waving in the wind. She sat down and closed her eyes. Like this, she sat for hours moving like the wind and dreaming while awake. She saw more of what had happened there and she was shocked and sad and happy. This tree had seen the pain of broken men and the joy of innocent children, the love of two people and the end of that love. but also, days of rain and peace and beauty. And Eos felt it all, it went through her, moved her, made her feel like those who had been there. It was painfully perfect.

Eos returned to the cave in a peaceful bliss. And went to sleep....

The ground feels soft..... like clouds. I open my eyes and see a field, full of flowers in every color that existed. The field was enclosed with trees. No.. a forest. I see a dear standing on the edge of that forest. Looking at me with such intelligent eyes. I come to my feet and start to walk towards it... but it's spooked. I stand still watching the dear run, it felt as if time slowed down. The dear's steps where silent and light and slow. I feel relaxed, calm, at peace. I wander about in the field. But don't leave it. I smell the flowers.... I hear the bees move from flower to flower. The sound of their wings..... I sigh and feel warm. A mirror appears in front of me. When I look in it I see my reflection and it scares me. I look like a ghost...... No longer solid. No longer completely there.... What has happened to me??? Is this what happened to Ubris? No, it wasn't, it couldn't be. A figure appeared next to me in the mirror. I look behind me but there's no one there. I look back into the mirror, but the figure was gone. Then I look at myself, my hair is still red... and my eyes are still emerald green. But I don't look like myself.... I don't recognize myself!

All around me there is darkness... suffocating darkness. That feeling of peace, calmness, and happiness I had felt just a minute ago had disappeared from my entire self. Crying I try to find a way to escape from the dark. But there is no way to make the dark less dark. At a certain point, I couldn't stand anymore, I couldn't talk, breath, think. I felt completely alone...

I wake up confused. Ubris is standing next to me, with his face looking happy and scared.

"What did you dream Eos?" Ubris asked as he sat down on the rocks that form a chair. "I... I.. Dreamed of a field, a mirror... I looked like a stranger, like a ghost... A darkness surrounded me, I.... I... Couldn't breath!" Eos breathed out the words shaking. "You are more powerful then we thought," Ubris said to himself. "Wait a minute... What do you mean.... We?" Eos asked. Ubris stood up and started walking out of the room. Eos jumped out of bed and followed him. "What do you mean We???" Eos asked again. "With we I mean me and the other Dream Catchers of the old," Eos thought he was the only one left... or rather that they were the only ones left.... "The people you see in dreams but don't recognize, the voices you hear but don't remember...." he paused "The people no one remembers, and can't forget..." Eos realized that she knew these people, they had always been there. In the back of her mind, day in day out. They had never left her. "But why do they appear there, in dreams???.... Wait...You said that I'm a Dream Catcher. I don't appear in dreams!! Why would you lie to me?" Eos said mad, confused, scared, she went through her hair with her hand. She was about to explode, inside her head, nothing seemed to make sense. "You're different... you are the most powerful Dream Catcher I have ever seen... It's like you draw your power out of both dreams and reality. You can do things we never could..." he paused choosing his words, "You can.. uhm.. well you can change things... in the real world... or better said this world. We saw you turn sand into grass... and make a rock come to life to play with you... and we can't do that, none of us can" pausing again, not sure he should tell her, "We KNOW that you are a Dream Catcher, you can walk among the dreams of others, and when you dream... it leaks into this world... changing it, that is what we all do, or better can do... but you can do more...." Eos suddenly saw all the times that she had been practicing and playing with what she could do. And all the times it had gone wrong, she had had always known that she was different, but never how different. Not only was she different than the other kids, she was different than the people how she belonged to. The people that are supposed to be her like her... aren't, or rather she's not... not how she thought she was... not what she thought she was...

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