Daniel 4

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Suddenly Daniel saw a ship on the horizon, he grabbed his telescope and saw that it was the ship Harry Henk, rotten thieves used that ship. "all-hands-on-deck, man the cannons, we are robbing that ship!" Shouted Daniel to his crew. "You get the gunpowder, and you load the cannons!" barked Jake to the crew, they were gearing up for a battle that would be remembered always as one of the most gruesome battles ever...

The ship grows closer and closer and the men on the Harry Henk just realized that they were going to be attacked, "fire on my mark!" Shouted Daniel from the top of his lungs. He waited a couple of minutes in silence and when he saw that the other captain tried to flee at the sight of his ship he shouted "FIRE!!!". Then there was only the sound of cannons firing, it was as loud as thunder in the sky. The colour red and orange was mixed with a smell of gunpowder, the crew of the Black Reaper grabbed the ropes and roared an ancient cry of battle while swinging through a cloud of ash and fire to the enemy ship, Captain Jones grabbed a rope with one hand and swung with his sword in his mouth to the other ship. He landed on the stern of the Harry Henk and the other captain drew his sword ready to strike, but Daniel was first he let go of the rope and grabbed the sword out of his mouth and with one clean swing he cut deep in the flesh of the arm of the other captain, "you should have run when you had the chance" Said Daniel. He pulled back his arm ones again letting the sword slide through the air. he cut through the air just slightly grazing the other captains face. The other captain lost his footing and found a rage deep inside him and launched himself at Daniel, with a new found desire to live the captain swung his sword all around him in an attempt to hit Daniel, the sword found a weak spot went slightly through Daniel's arm. Now bleeding and a bit thrown off Daniel tuck a step towards the main mast, and started a climb. The other captain soon followed suit.

They arrived at the crow's nest and Daniel was bleeding pretty bad by now. The drops of blood hit his shoe, and Daniel never looked more alive. The other captain pulled his sword out of its sheath and stood ready for combat. He stepped toward Daniel and made a feint attack and caught him of guard, now he finally got to hit Daniel with the hilt of his sword and Daniel fell down for a second, but quickly came back to his feet and cut off the hand of his opponent without hesitation, almost cold. Daniel put his sword still dripping with blood back in the strep on his belt and walked away from the bleeding man. "Hé! why don't you just end me? Come on finish it you coward!" the other captain yelled, while holding held his right hand on the place were used to be his left hand, "you fought well. I won't kill you because I don't think death is something I should give you, it is something you should earn" Then Daniel turned around, his jacked blowing in the wind and he climbed all the way down to the deck of the ship. He looked around him and say bodies falling down by the second. And then he walked over the corpses of the Harry Henk to Jake. "Jake make sure that the captain of this ship Does. Not. Die. You can find him in the crow's nest" Jake opened his mouth to protest but Daniel cut him off before he had the chance "Yes-" he said trough gridded teeth "-I know a pirate would not care who lives or dies. But I do. So just make sure this man lives" Jake looked a bit belittled but said "Yes captain." and turned around and did as he was told.

The crew of the black reaper didn't have a moral compass or a conscious that told them this was wrong and they fought the crew of the Harry Henk without mercy. When they were done you could walk over the corpses of the crew of the Harry Henk. The fact that his crew didn't care about human lives had always been a thorn in Daniel's eye, but he always kept saying to himself that he didn't have to carry the guilt on his shoulders as long as he was not the one that had done the killing.

"Grab everything that is worth something and put that piece of filth in the cargo bay!" Shouted Daniel to his crew. One of the ruffians of the black reaper crew grabbed the captain of the boarded ship by his neck hair and dragged him down to the cargo bay.

Daniel went down to the captain's quarters and looked for something that the captain might have acquired. He held his hand on the cut and grabbed a cloth from the table in the room and bound it around his arm. He walked around the room. It wasn't big, it was made of wood from top to bottom, it had a wooden bed with a straw mattress and a feather pillow, which is strange for a ship this size, they normally have way more luxury. So he looked around some more, he saw a bookcase filled with strange books. He could make out some of the titles, others were badly burned and chapped. The hero of life, The day the earth was born, Witchcraft for on sea, Ferries and where to find them. Why would there be these kinds of books on a pirate ship, there are supposed to be maps of sea and atlases. He saw one book that kind of spoke to him dream magic, like Eos. He grabbed it and put it in his bag just in case there was something in it that could help him and Eos find out what makes them able to speak to one another...

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