Eos 5

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Eos was walking back to her room after dinner, the only thing she could think of was Daniel, his deep kind eyes, his voice, the fact that he looked like he was not much older than 18. She hoped that she would get another chance to see him. And talk to him for hours, get to know him and maybe even....

Lost in thought she entered her room and there he was undressing in her mirror, he had a white cloth around his right arm and blood was leaking through. She sat down in front of the mirror as she had done many times before and looked at him a second to long. He saw her and from surprise he dropped his pants down before they were in place. He went trough his knees and whispered something under his breath like "shit" but he quickly came up with pants in place and a shirt half way over his chest. " Now... we are even" Eos said with a smile on her face. "Yeh, Even" chuckled Daniel. They both had a grin on their face. One not many people gave each other. "What happened to your arm?" Asked Eos concerned. "Well.... we kind of... just.... robbed a pirate ship.... and I fought with the captain... and he cut me..." He spoke slow, ashamed he looked down to his feet. "Are... are they still alive???" Eos asked not wanting to know the answer. "No... my crew killed them all... I.. I only managed to save the captain" He stood up and started pacing still looking at his feet. "Did?... You, Uhm kill anyone?" Eos asked A bit shivering. Afraid of what the answer may be. "No. I have never killed anyone in my life, it's not my place or my right to do so Eos. But my crew thinks otherwise" Eos let out a breath, she didn't realise that she had been holding her breath for a while now, waiting for him to tell her that he is a good guy and not a murderer. "Don't think of me as a monster, I don't decide what other people do, I give them orders but I can't control them. I'm so sorry..." Daniel spook with pain in his voice, and sadness. "I don't think you're a monster, but your not a saint and we all do bad things. I just thought that... People didn't do the things we hear about in horror stories. Not that you do those things, but others..." It was quiet for what felt like a lifetime. But she had forgiven him and he... felt like a person, instead of a captain that failed to do what's right. "I killed a frog ones," Eos said looking at her hands. "He was playing by the water and I tried to turn a leaf into a stone, but it went up in flames. And it spread to the grass... the frog was minding his own business... but the flames reached the frog before I could help him. He died because I wanted to practice magic... every life deserves to be lived. I had no right to end that life" And Eos felt sad but relieved that she had told someone who could understand. "I'm sorry that happened, but your too beautiful to blame yourself" They looked each other in the eyes and both felt a spark of trust and electricity.

Daniel scraped his throat. "Tell me something good about yourself Eos goddess of the rising sun" Daniel asked with a new smile on his face. "Well I'm 16 and I live in a small village on the foot of the mountain Olympus, I am supost to be the one that opens the gates to let the sun shine on earth but that's not my place, not the one I want in life. And something I love?... I love the stars, because they will always...." "show you the way home," said Daniel finishing Eos's sentence, again Eos looked in Daniel's eyes she felt something she had never felt before. Somebody understood for the first time and she didn't feel alone anymore. "So how does that work, are you playing with lightning or is it more down to earth there?" " well I don't know how it is on earth but here we play with fire and ice. We are tasked with protecting the earth so we go to a school where we learn about earth, and other courses like angelica, history, magic, our tasks and humanity" answered Eos, "Oh, oke. Well, I didn't go to school, I was raised on this ship, My mom died right after I was born and my dad went missing a few years ago" he stopped talking and there was an awkward silence. "I.... am sorry, you must miss them" " Yeh I do but my dad's best friend is my first mate so I can still be with him in a way, hear the stories that happened before I was even born. Hear about my mom..." Daniel said with a sad smile on his face. "I have a brother and a sister, both can irritate you to death, and my parent's are the most important gods of the mountain so that is always fun on birthdays" said Eos in a way that just has to cheer you up, "And the names of these irritating siblings are?" Asked Daniel "Selene and Helios" she chuckled "both normal, or what we consider normal, they're both older than me, I am the youngest in my family, but they expect the most... Umm, what is it like in your world?" Daniel sat down in his chair told her what she asked to know.

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