Eos 11

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So many things she had always wanted to know, had finally been revealed. She still felt ashough her world had been shattered, and nothing could make her feel grounded again. But she had to be grounded. And she had to be whole, for her family. And for the man, she'd fallen for. So she turned her head to Ubris and said the words that were burned into her mind. "So what those that change?" Ubris looked into her eyes and said what she needed to hear him say, "nothing right now, it means that I have to be careful with what I teach you, and it means that you can change the village, and make it whole again. But to do so you'd have to find the what makes you, you" he grabbed her by the shoulders and he told her "Find what makes you happy, sad, hateful, loving. Go back to that source, and you will be capable of anything" He let her go, and she left to find herself.

Eos looked at the ruins at her feet, her home... pain filled her chest, but one spot remand light and full of happiness. She was going to see her love, her pirate of the seas. Daniel, the only one that ever made her feel like she was everything she dreamed and more, and she didn't know why she felt this way, but something in her heart told her he was it for her... no one would ever get his spot in her heart. So she went to her old house to find herself, in a mirror.....

Eos closed her eyes and imagined her house. The smells... the sounds... There is a small dent in her bedroom door from when she and Selene had been biking inside. And there was a floor panel that slightly squeaked on the top of the stairs... She could hear her brother tick with his feet under the dinner table. Eos stood there, in front of the blossom tree that had lost all his flowers. Where she had fallen to her knees when she ran to the mountain. It seemed like it had happened weeks ago, jet it was days... Eos walked away from the tree towards the village...

All the people had disappeared, no one was there to clean out the rubble. Or say hello... to Eos it felt better, to be alone right now. She walked through streets that used to be full of life but now had become silent. All this happened because of me... so I'll fix this and she walked up to her front door, half of her house was gone. She slowly opened the door, it creaked and squeaked and opened. Inside everything was broken, from the pictures on the wall to the chair that her mother used to rock her. But with tears in her eyes, she walked up to the stairs. About half of the stair laid on the ground beneath her. With small steady steps, she climbed to the second floor. Eos stood frozen before the door of her room, nothing seemed broken about her door, like it had remained untouched. With a broken heart, full of shame, pain, regret she opened the door... Inside nothing had been moved or broken. Not her blanket over the mirror, not the crumbles of the cookie she ate at her desk. It was the same as when she left it. She walked to the mirror and pulled the blanket off and sat down. She looked in the mirror and saw Daniel. Daniel was sitting on the ground, where he was it was dark and dirty. "Daniel, can you hear me?" Eos asked the mirror in a soft voice...

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