Daniel 8

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When Daniel walked towards the pub and looked around all he saw was a ghost town. A banner black as night waving in the wind, and howling screams of the wind passing by, like the voices of the lost souls of the ocean. Daniel opened the door of the pub. And a cold wind greeted him. Like a ghost that passes through skin and bone. You could find no soul in that pub but those of the lost hurled together in a dark cold pub. With a pint of beer in each their hands. The floor covered in black goo and a silence that makes even the hardest man lose his nerve fell over the room. A big man with arms twice the size as Daniel's stepped up towards him but stopped just before him and fell to his knees. "Are you death my lord, Will you free us, from this hell. Are you the finale death? My lord?" the man cried out too him. Daniel stood there perplexed, this man thought he was death. "I am no lord, and death is not me or my friend. Now tell me, sir... uh, why do you think that I am?" "because no man has walked these streets without the black blood running down his face, and you look like a man with a soul so light it can take ours with him without making his own black. Daniel looked around him and all of the other people in that room stood up and started closing in on him. He took a step back and the door opened with a bang, but not by his hand....

"Come quick!!" said the voice from outside the door. When Daniel didn't respond a cold hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of that freaky place. When he looked down at his wrist he saw a woman's hand but still so small. And then he looked at the person the hand belonged to. A pretty girl with blue eyes and long brown hair that ends just below her top, she was skinny in posture. She had this look in her eye like no man could bring her down. While she pulled him through the streets. "who.. are.. you?!" Daniel asked while trying to speak against the wind. "LATER we need to get out of here!!" she shouted out to him. She dragged him through the streets, past banners and houses, and shops. To an ally where they finally stopped. "You sure know how to find trouble!" she said to him out of breath. "WHO ARE YOU!!" Daniel shouted at her. They stood in an ally far away from the pub, it was old and covered in dirt, time had happened here like no place Daniel had ever seen. "Who am I, well good question but I saved you, so I ask the questions. What are you doing here??" Daniel stood there not really knowing what was happening, she spoke to him like she was far better than him, and that was something he wasn't used to. "well..... I... ah... am Dannniel" he hesitated when he said that but tried again, "I am Daniel, Captain of the Black Reaper, sailor of the seas and what the hell is happening here???" "That is a long story...... But it starts with a king and a promise..."

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