chapter 58

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58. A Tumor Grows

After being startled by Shu Shu's action of turning into a hamster, Edgar became very, very careful. Unlike charging, the spiritual power was sent into Shu Shu's body very quickly, for fear that Shu Shu would suddenly turn into a beast when they were halfway done.

Although they beastmen could turn into beasts, but they would never turn when they were doing something on the bed!

Sure enough, Shu Shu did not feel any pain this time and even felt very, very good.

The old mouse who had restrained himself for hundreds of years suddenly had a novel experience . . . . After the first time was over, Shu Shu took the initiative to invite Edgar. "Let's do it once again?"

Edgar pressed him down without the slightest hesitation.

The two men vented their feelings outrageously for a whole night. Even if his body was injected with a lot of spiritual power by Edgar, Shu Shu was still tired to the point of collapsing afterwards and soon fell asleep, snoring loudly. Edgar drew the man beside him into his arms and quickly entered the land of dreams as well.

The next day, Edgar woke up to the crackling sound of Shu Shu eating. He opened his eyes and saw Shu Shu, who was sitting next to him, take out all kinds of foods from his food pouches and eat them without stopping.

Tiny nuts, nail-sized fruits . . . . Shu Shu held them in his cupped hand and stuffed them into his mouth by a mouthful. Both his cheeks bulged out as he chewed.

He ate up a big handful in just a moment and then took out another big handful from his food pouches. It was right at this moment Shu Shu realized that Edgar was awake.

Seeing Edgar watching him unblinkingly, Shu Shu curiously asked, "Are you hungry too?" Saying so, he stuffed a nut into Edgar's mouth.

Edgar chewed for a little while and suddenly hugged Shu Shu firmly. He pulled Shu Shu to his side and started to kiss him.

Caught off guard, Shu Shu fell under Edgar's body, and the dried fruits on his hand scattered all over the bed. He first stared blankly and then started to respond, his eyes shining brightly.

The two men only stopped kissing after a good while. Then Shu Shu said, "That thing we did last night, let's do it once again?" He ended up feeling really good yesterday. Although there was also a little bit of discomfort, but he did enjoy it and still wanted to keep doing it.

No beastman would refuse such an invitation. Edgar even felt that it was not particularly enough to only do it once again.

However, they only did it once in the end because Shu Shu couldn't stand it. "I'm dying. I'll have kidney deficiency if I go on like this . . . ." He felt that he was a bit overused . . . . Moreover, it was not the rear that was overused, but the front instead . . . . He couldn't shoot anymore.

"Take a rest, we'll do it again at night." Edgar kissed Shu Shu on the lips. It was truly a good thing that his condition was better than Shu Shu's. He reckoned it was most likely related to their spiritual power.

"Later at night, let me do it, okay?" Shu Shu's sight fell on Edgar's buttocks.

Edgar: ". . ."

"I definitely won't make you feel any pain." Shu Shu promised.

"My skin's very hard and will probably hurt you." Edgar said. He had never thought that he would encounter such a problem, so he absolutely didn't know what to say . . . .

Shu Shu nodded thoughtfully. "It makes sense. You're all muscles, and your body's so hard . . . ." His legs were wrapped around Edgar's waist tightly, and Edgar was simply unaffected. If Edgar's legs were wrapped around his waist tightly . . . he believed that his waist would certainly be twisted and broken.

Moreover, he really didn't have any interest in Edgar's buttocks . . . . "So it's still the same as before. You must keep giving me spiritual power, you know?"

As long as it didn't hurt and felt good, nothing else mattered! When he was lying on his stomach yesterday, he could still stealthily eat and felt especially relaxed.

Thinking about it, Shu Shu picked up the nuts that had fallen on the bed before and ate them.

Shu Shu didn't pay attention to hygiene at all and actually ate things picked up from the bed that had been thrown into a mess by them . . . . Edgar couldn't help but kissed him again.

Why did he feel that even if Shu Shu was sloppy, he also liked that sloppiness?

"You, ease up!" Pressed down, Shu Shu frowned and then looked toward Edgar with hope and expectation across his whole face. "Can I have breakfast in bed?" He didn't want to get out of bed.

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