chapter 40

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40. Living in the Imperial Palace

The people around had calmed down and were unlikely to hysterically obstruct the road again, and the duel was also settled. There was nothing left to do . . . .

Edgar turned towards the crowd: "Calvin."

"Here!" Calvin emerged from between a group of sub-beastmen in the crowd and arrived in front of Edgar, revealing his handsome face to public scrutiny.

"Those star pirates have been handed over to you. Also, arrest all the men who transformed into beasts today." Edgar said. Calvin was the Deputy Bureau Chief of Capital Star Police Department. They had been classmates and were now close friends. Prior to arriving at the capital star, Edgar had already notified Calvin to have him keep order and also take those star pirates away. Obviously, based on the current situation, the number of people Calvin had to take away was estimated to be more than he initially thought.

"No problem." Calvin immediately replied while looking at Edgar with curiosity. He was very curious about Edgar's sudden increase in strength. Unfortunately, they couldn't chat more since this was not a place to talk.

After Calvin finished talking, he waved his hand as a signal. One by one, the policemen who had striven to keep order stood up. They glanced at Edgar with admiration and then began to arrest the rioting men while receiving those star pirates at the same time.

Edgar had literally beaten fear into those star pirates. Each and every one of them were very well-behaved, and receiving them did not take much trouble at all. On the contrary, those few beastmen who had transformed into beasts were difficult to deal with.

"You're a rhinoceros. I can't handcuff you because you're too big. Quickly change back." A few policemen said to the huge rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros lying prone on the ground looked at the policeman with grievances, and yet, he was unable to move. He was innocent; he didn't know why he suddenly changed into his original form. Now, he couldn't even change back into a human . . . .

The policeman urged the rhinoceros a few times, but seeing no response, he couldn't help but frown. At this moment, Calvin came over. He grabbed the huge rhinoceros that probably weighed several tons, lifted it up over his head, and walked outside. After that, he tossed it into a truck that had just come in.

After doing all these things effortlessly, Calvin smiled and took the rest of the beastmen who had transformed into beasts away.

These men actually dared to look for trouble under his eyes . . . . Calvin's smile was deeper.

Other policemen who saw Calvin's smiling expression shivered. Every time their boss smiled, bad things would happen!

In contrast, several sub-beastmen nearby were watching Edgar and Calvin excitedly: "His Imperial Highness is so handsome!"

"The policeman is also very handsome. He even helped us before."

"I prefer His Imperial Highness."

"His Imperial Highness is too cold. I was afraid to death just now . . . . I think the policeman is more approachable!"

. . . . . .

Edgar had used level suppression to make every beastman on the scene feel afraid, but they all felt much better now. Sub-beastmen were not beastmen; strong beastmen actually wouldn't make them feel afraid and would only make them feel like chasing said beastmen. Even now, the sub-beastmen had completely recovered.

However, the situation just now had given them a scare. They did not dare to play around now and only dared to say a few words in private.

Kamille and the other star pirates very clearly saw the way Calvin threw the beastmen who had transformed into beasts, and they also felt the pressure that came out from Edgar's body previously. For a moment, they were as timid as a well-behaved child.

The people in the capital star were truly too powerful. By all means, they had to stop doing any more funny business in the future!

Speaking of strength, they had really been too arrogant. They escaped several military pursuits and thought that they were very powerful. And the truth was? Let's say that the people they hid from were more powerful than them.

Right, just now, they seemed to hear that someone was planning to find that Edgar for a duel?

When these pirates passed by Geo, all of them sized Geo up all the way through, and then, they inevitably frowned with contempt across their whole faces. This kind of man who, from the start, wouldn't look them in the eye wanted to duel with that monster, too? There was definitely something wrong on the brain of this man!

These star pirates were very unfriendly when looking at Geo. Although the vast majority of them were worse than Geo in terms of strength, but they all had experienced numerous battles and wandered the interstellar space for a long time. They were a little spiteful since a good deal of them were still sporting injuries after getting beaten up by Edgar . . . .

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