chapter 29

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29. Feeling Jealous and Thundercloud

Jeress was a very patient man; Shu Shu and he chatted pretty well. Relying on the daemon's powerful memory, Shu Shu spoke more and more smoothly and soon caught up with . . . a two-year-old little beastman.

Although a two-year-old little beastman was not likely to have a wide vocabulary, and although there were still many words that Shu Shu didn't understand, but he believed that everything would quickly change. He had never spoken any language before, but just by listening to people talking, when he turned into a human form, he began as a clever daemon who could immediately speak. Was there any possibility that he could not learn the language of this place?

Shu Shu was full of confidence in himself.

When Jones came to find Edgar, he saw that Shu Shu and Jeress had moved up to chatting, and the content of the chat . . . . He estimated it was about the same to that of kindergarten children?

"Good morning!" Jones issued the greeting with a smile and observed the little sub-beastman carefully. The little sub-beastman was in a good spirit, so it could be assumed that he had had a pretty good rest last night. He also adapted well to the completely-new environment, which was actually very rare.

In fact, in the little sub-beastman's current situation, he should not live alone. The right thing to do was trying to find another sub-beastman to accompany him or having him live in a family with sub-beastman. It had been Edgar who proposed that he and the little sub-beastman should just live alone, and Jones had not refused.

Not only Jones trusted Edgar's self-control, he also reckoned that they could only get along like that for several days, so there was no need to separate them now.

"Good morning." Shu Shu greeted back and smiled at the leopard spirit who had suffered the same mishap as him when becoming a human. Although this world made him feel out of place, but he was not overly scared. The society on the earth had legal systems and institutions, and this place had to be even more developed than the earth. It should be unlikely that they would kill people like scything grass, right? Yeah, it would certainly not happen. If they had really been bad people, they would have already taken him prisoner!

"Do you want to go out and have a stroll? You may have Jeress accompany you going out." Jones said and then said it again a few more times using easily understood words: "Do you want to go for a walk? Do you want to go shopping? Jeress will take you there."

Going out to shop? Shu Shu's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously: "I want to!" After he nodded, he remembered something: "Money. I have no money." He had already asked Jeress to explain about "money". After all, it was a very important thing that could buy food.

"This is for you. Jeress will teach you how to use it." Jones took out a card and gave it to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu looked at the card, and his eyes were as bright as the full moon. However, he also felt that he should not take other people's money casually. In the end, he patted his own chest and said, "Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will give it back to you."

Jones could not stop the corner of his mouth from twitching. He knew that this child probably wanted to say that he would return the money later, but he didn't know how to say "later". As a primitive, remote planet, Gass Planet was basically self-sufficient. It didn't cost much money here, and Jones also didn't lack money, so he immediately said: "No need."

"I will." Shu Shu said. Following this, he spoke to his disciple in Chinese: "Disciple, you must work hard in the future. Earn some money to pay me back, you know?" He went out because he wanted to shop for his disciple, but of course, the disciple also had to contribute and pay him back.

The little sub-beastman was willing to spend his own money, but he was not willing to spend other people's? Edgar was perfectly satisfied.

"Move. Let's go shopping." Shu Shu spoke in local language and beckoned to the huge snake.

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