chapter 23

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23. Courting Favor Together

The noble and precious little sub-beastman actually lived in a dark mud cave. He could only warm himself with animal skins and cogongrass, and he could only use a stone bowl to cook . . . .

Barely entering the cave, Jeress and the other men were distressed to the utmost.

Although they often went hunting and camping in the wild, but the condition would not be so harsh. The space button was always equipped with many camping equipments.

These men looked distressed, but Shu Shu felt that there wasn't anything wrong with his cave.

He was in human form now, so he had been tidying up the cave properly, and the huge snake had also helped him add many things to his possessions. His situation was already much better than the time when he had been a hamster living in the wild. Comparatively, the only setback was maybe that there was no TV here.

He did like to watch TV. When his owner had watched TV, he had always watched attentively, eyes unblinking.

Entering the cave, Shu Shu at once went toward the bonfire and added a bit of firewood to build a roaring fire. However, even with the roaring fire, the cave was still quite dark. Shu Shu and Edgar who preferred the night and also had a very outstanding night vision were already accustomed to the dark. Those beastmen, however, were very unused to it.

Such a cold day, and to these men's surprise, there was only a bonfire to warm oneself here . . . . The little sub-beastman was really too pitiful.

There were a total of six men in this group; each of them was tall. After entering Shu Shu's cave, they crowded into it until it was completely packed. Two men even sat at the cave mouth, making the inside of the cave look darker.

Upon seeing this, Jeress quickly took out a tiny camping light.

This camping light was not big, but when it was switched on, the soft light shined brightly over the entire cave.

Shu Shu was pleasantly surprised when he saw the camping light; his eyes were full of curiosity-there seemed to be a lot of high-tech gadgets on these monsters' hand? In that case, could he also bring home some gadgets later? He still loved those high-tech gadgets that humans had.

Thinking this way, Shu Shu was all the more determined to curry favor with these monsters. He went into the cellar he had dug himself and very generously took out the food he had stored there, little by little. Then he grabbed the stone pot, planning to cook the food.

Seeing Shu Shu's action, Jeress and the other men realized that this little sub-beastman was trying to make some food for them, and they were immediately overwhelmed by this favor.

Beastmen ate too much; preparing meals for them would absolutely make the sub-beastmen exhausted. Therefore, in ancient times, the beastmen had learned to prepare their own meals. Nowadays, many sub-beastmen would actually use the oven to bake a pile of meat for the beastmen to eat. But it was also just this and nothing more . . . . This sub-beastman though, he was planning to prepare a meal for them with his own hands!

Of course, with a small stone pot like that, if he had to made enough food for six people to eat, it might take most of the day. By then, his spirit would be weary and his strength exhausted . . . .

Jeca thought he was about to have an opportunity to eat the food prepared by the little sub-beastman, so he was extremely excited. Nevertheless, Jeress immediately stood up : "I'll help!"

He then took out several forks from his own space button. He also took out more or less six kilos of wild game meat. He stuck the forks into the meat and started to roast the meat. He even took out a kettle for outdoor use and began to boil some water-this kettle used energy stone, so using it for boiling water was really very convenient.

As Shu Shu watched this scene unfold, he repeatedly gasped in surprise. However, Jeca and the other men were quite depressed-the major deserved to be called major; he was smarter than them. They were still there, stupidly waiting to eat the food cooked by the little sub-beastman, while the major had already thought of the importance of courting the little sub-beastman's favor.

They were a little slower, but they soon imitated Jeress. One after another, they took out all kinds of things and started to help preparing the meal.

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