chapter 43

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43. Shu Shu Wanted to Pass the Tribulation

Nowadays, the Imperial College required everyone who wanted to be enrolled in any of its divisions and departments to pass the entrance exam. This exam was very tough, and there would be no exam-fixing at all. If you failed the exam, you would not be able to be enrolled in the Imperial College, even if you were a prince.

Of course, taking into account that the children of the richer and more privileged families received better education since childhood, the majority of students in the Imperial College were either noble-born or very rich.

Consider this example. A nobleman who played with a toy mech when he was a child and had his own mech when he was a little older and a commoner who had never touched a mech went to take the entrance exam for the Imperial College's Mech Department together. You did not need to guess to know who would pass the exam in the end.

The richer you were, the more you could have your children receive the best education from childhood. As a result, the Imperial College was overflowing with the rich. Nevertheless, there were also many commoners in it, and they were all geniuses.

Those who were enrolled in the Imperial College were very, very outstanding people. After they graduated, every one of them was naturally an elite.

However, there was actually another category of people in the Imperial College. These people could play and play and play as they attended college; they basically didn't have to do anything to graduate . . . . They were the sub-beastman students of the Imperial College's "Bridal Class".

At the beginning of the Imperial College's establishment, there was a special division called the Skill Division. Only sub-beastmen could study this subject, and sub-beastman could only study this subject too.

At that time, there were very many sub-beastmen who went to study in the Skill Division. Almost all sub-beastmen who were born into major nobility would go there to study. Inevitably, sub-beastmen who were born into minor nobility didn't get their turn, so they thought of using any means to force their way in . . . . Anyway, until now, the old Skill Division had only one class called the Skill Class, and the whole class only had twenty or thirty people.

After all, nowadays, there were not many sub-beastmen who were willing to stay at home and do nothing all day long . . . . Even if they could not become mech warriors, they could still learn mech maintenance. In the field of scientific research, literature, and design, sub-beastmen were more gifted than beastmen.

Just like that, the skill class declined . . . . However, there were always some sub-beastmen who were high-born but essentially had no ability and merely wished to marry an outstanding beastman in the future. Only by admitting them did the Imperial College manage to retain the skill class.

As long as the noble-born sub-beastmen could afford the expensive tuition fee, they could be enrolled in the Imperial College's Skill Class.

As for whether the beastmen who were noble-born but had no ability could be enrolled in the Imperial College or not . . . . The Imperial College expressed that as beastmen, if they actually thought they could get ahead and enter the school without taking an exam, they might as well not go to school!

The skill class in the Imperial College in fact didn't teach anything important, so that some of the high-status sub-beastmen would rather retake the exam next year or enroll in other schools if they couldn't pass the Imperial College's entrance exam. They were not willing to enter the skill class because they felt that attending such a class was very shameful. But Shu Shu . . . .

Edgar cast a brief look at Shu Shu. He was aware of the little sub-beastman's knowledge level. Although the little guy had learned to speak, but he hadn't learned to write. If he was really going to go to school according to his actual level, most probably he could only go to the kindergarten. But, could Edgar let his own sub-beastman go to kindergarten?

The skill class was actually quite good. It did not have an exam, and it would not give the sub-beastmen any pressure. As long as the sub-beastmen's behaviors did not violate the school rules and regulations, they could do anything as they wished . . . . As a matter of fact, didn't the class suit Shu Shu perfectly?

There, Shu Shu could also make some friends.

After obtaining Shu Shu's approval, Edgar immediately helped Shu Shu register and paid the tuition fee. Tomorrow Shu Shu could go to school.

By the way, other classes in the Imperial College did not accept transfer students, but the skill classes was different. As long as you met the conditions, you could transfer class and join the skill class at any time.

The next day, the dawn sky was still dark when Shu Shu woke up. After waking up, he did not want to sleep any more.

He was going to go to school!

He had had many owners before. Among them, there were some junior high school students. Many of them didn't like to study. Even though their grades were quite good, they would also complain that they were too tired to study. Every day, they looked forward to have a holiday.

Shu Shu was quite envious of them though. After all, he couldn't even change into a human form at that time. Going to school was simply impossible.

At that time, when he wanted to learn things, he could only self-study secretly. Using claws to practice writing characters on the bottom of the cage was certainly arduous. The most tragic thing was that all he had painstakingly learned was actually of no use now.

Shu Shu had always thought that he would not have another chance to go to school in his lifetime. He hadn't expected that he could actually be enrolled in such a good school now . . . .

Compared with the Imperial College, Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, and Oxford were nothing, ah! These universities were just ones of the best schools on one planet, but the Imperial College . . . . Its students came from more than a hundred different planets!

Shu Shu was very excited but also couldn't help feeling unsettled. He knew what his own level was. If he entered this kind of school, he probably wouldn't be able to understand anything, would he?

Thinking about this, Shu Shu had no appetite when eating breakfast, and his food intake was surprisingly only twice as much as that of an ordinary sub-beastman.

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