chapter 44

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44. Edgar Reveals His Feelings

If Shu Shu went through the inner demon tribulation, he would meet with many, many dreadful snakes and some certain dangers as well. Did he still want to pass through the tribulation?

Of course he did!

He was a daemon who could live for a long time, and a male to boot. How could he endure being pursued by beastmen? Besides . . . he was unable to give birth to children, ah!

If the beastmen pursuing him later found out that he was also a beastman and unable to give birth to children, they would definitely fall apart! Maybe they would even want to kill him!

Shu Shu's mind was in a jumble. After pondering for a long time, he finally made a decision-he had to pass through the inner demon tribulation as soon as possible and become a beastman, so when the moment came . . . .

Shu Shu originally wanted to say that when the moment came, he would look for a sub-beastman to have a relationship with, but after thinking carefully, he felt that it was improbable. If he married a sub-beastman, then he definitely had to work hard to support his family and take care of the sub-beastman well . . . . The latter was no problem, but the former . . . .

He simply had no ability to support a family now.

Moreover, many of the sub-beastmen here were taller than him, and they seemed to like beastmen whose beast types were very bold and powerful . . . . He was just a little hamster, so he was likely to be disdained, right?

No matter, if worst came to worst and he did not marry a sub-beastman, he would just let his disciple keep him.

Thinking so, Shu Shu suddenly considered why Edgar sent him to study here. Could it be that his disciple wanted to marry him off and get rid of him?

No, no, the tuition fee was so expensive; Edgar surely wouldn't go so far as to spend so much money to get rid of him . . . . Then, why the heck did Edgar send him here? If it was to study, Shu Shu reckoned that attending classes here was not better than studying on his own at home.

The more Shu Shu thought, the more muddled he was. In Synthia's worried vision, Shu Shu had been in a tangle since lunch break.

"Shu Shu, what's wrong with you?" Synthia stared at Shu Shu for a long time and finally couldn't help but poke Shu Shu's arm and ask.

"Nothing . . ." Shu Shu returned to himself and listlessly sighed. Then he suddenly thought of something. "Synthia, what are your future plans for yourself?"

Synthia glanced at Shu Shu with a playful pout, and a blush appeared on his face. "Of course, I'm looking for a tall and handsome beastman who likes me, and then I'm going to marry him!"

Tall and handsome, ah. Shu Shu was even more depressed . . . . He supposed that since even a short and small sub-beastman like Synthia did not take a fancy to him, there was no further need to speak about other sub-beastmen . . . . In addition, he actually didn't like sub-beastmen. Let's say Synthia, he thought Synthia was good-looking, and he didn't dislike Synthia, but so long as he thought about the fact that this was a man, he simply couldn't think of Synthia as soft and appealing.

"I love beastmen like the crown prince who's tall and big and also has abilities! Unfortunately, no beastman has ever chased me . . . ." Synthia was still entangled in his own feelings.

The crown prince? Shu Shu's heart gave a "thud", and he didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable.

The first lesson in the afternoon was about art appreciation.

As a mere daemon who completely lacked painting foundation and appreciating eyes, Shu Shu thought that abstract painting was just painting at random. He simply couldn't understand this lesson, plus he had a load in his heart, so he was even more deaf to the lecture. He ultimately passed the whole lesson in a daze.

Fortunately, the sub-beastmen in the class were about the same, and the teacher also wouldn't ask any questions, so there was totally no problem in just going through the motions like this.

The last lesson of the day was unexpectedly "Understanding the Beastmen" that Jones taught.

Shu Shu formerly thought that this class was to introduce beastman facts to them, but now he already knew that this class was solely to help the sub-beastmen to find a partner.

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