chapter 10

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10. The Little Sub-beastman Has a Fever

Having a fever, the little sub-beastman's ears were drooping, his face was red, and he looked very weak. It made Edgar feel sorry for him.

After feeling sorry for the little sub-beastman, Edgar's heart started to race, once again worrying.

Sub-beastman's body was mostly not good. If they fell sick in the city, they would certainly be fine after getting excellent medical treatment. But here was the wild!

The little sub-beastman was burning up with fever now. At this time, if he couldn't think of a method to bring his temperature down, then it might be possible that.... Edgar simply didn't dare to continue thinking about it. And regretting about it was pointless.

He shouldn't have followed after the little sub-beastman back to his cave. No, after he had saved the little sub-beastman yesterday, he should have left right away instead of letting the little sub-beastman bustle around serving him....

The cave the little sub-beastman used for sleeping was very small. It was inconvenient for Edgar to enter or exit, so he just stuck his head in. He stared at the little sub-beastman and watched him for a while. He saw the little sub-beastman sobbing softly in his drowsiness. The tears kept falling and falling. He had an urge to lick the tears on the other person's face.

But when he opened his mouth, what came out was a forked tongue.

He was already a beast, not a beastman....

Edgar used his chin to touch the little sub-beastman burning forehead, a bitter laugh in his heart. He had been in contact with the little sub-beastman for so many times. Every single time the little sub-beastman would get scared of him to the point of leaving things behind and running away. It was only because the little sub-beastman was unconscious now that he could get close to him....

But he would rather not have the opportunity to get close to the little sub-beastman than see him get sick.

Edgar went around the little sub-beastman's living room and found a wooden bucket. There was also a wooden ladle in the bucket. He bit the wooden ladle, wanting to get some water for the little sub-beastman to drink. However, as soon as he moved towards the sub-beastman's side, the water was spilled.

No matter what, even with the wounds on his tail, Edgar used his tail to carry the bucket to the little sub-beastman's bedside. Then he again used his tail to hold the wooden ladle and very carefully place the ladle filled with water on the little sub-beastman's lips.

The little sub-beastman remained unconscious, but the wooden ladle made it to his lips. Nevertheless, he subconsciously licked it up and drank a lot of water.

Edgar fed a lot of water to the little sub-beastman. Feeling that it was good enough, he then used his tail to lightly mash a fruit brought back by the little sub-beastman into his room. After that, he spread the mush on the little sub-beastman's forehead.

This kind of fruit had very high moisture content, and it also had some cooling effect. He could only do these things now.

After taking a profound glance at the little sub-beastman, Edgar turned his body and quickly slithered out. Although his mech was already broken, leaving only some scraps that wouldn't let him send out any information, but he had once seen a familiar plane flying over the sky. He knew that there were people who lived on this small planet.

He could go and try to find the people who lived on this planet and let them bring the little sub-beastman to the hospital.

Edgar moved quickly, and he didn't notice that the wounds on his body had split open again. After travelling for two hours, he had left his territory.

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