Untitled Part 16

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I came across your post ;-; My advice is you need to keep your faith in God, pray, and try to channel your thoughts focusing on a dream of yours, even an outrageous dream. As long as you believe and keep working towards it, you can achieve it :3 I find that funny memes help dull the pain. I am blessed to have found my soulmate and she helps keep me focused on the future and is able to pull me out of the darkness whenever it takes control of meh My beloved is my strength >'< Something I should do before I met my beloved was build and live stories in mah head. I read that you write so your mind must be filled with stories. You could try living a story in your mind, even a sad one to help you through those dark days. Another option is to keep trying to work on something, just one thing. Make that your focus, your legacy '-')/ This may help keep your mind busy. Try to find an outlet for the darkness within that is eating away at you. I found something interesting that might also help and that is go back to some of your earlier work, one of your creations and just read it. You may find yourself amazed at what you created and boost your confidence when it's low but use it wisely because there is so many times it will work because your mind adjust and finds a new way to pull you down. Don't lose faith in God or yourself. You can do, you can break free. I know this because I suffer too and have done so for many years. I'm still here and that's with God's blessing So please don't give up.

Thank you so much for your message. It means more to me than you know <3 <3 <3 and yes I have many story ideas, its hard to get back into them though when my depressive moments hit me. But I am feeling a little better today. So often my mood fluctuates. I am incredibly lucky to have so many people around me that care. I want to stay alive, for them more than anything else. I want to live. I don't want to give up. I won't lose faith. I will pull through this. Thank you again so much. It's people like you that truly help. I have so much love for so many people, and its people like you that make me want to keep on living. God bless you, you are truly a kind and caring person. Your message has really helped me. Thank you <3 <3 <3

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