Stupid things I get asked/told as a writer

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1. Why don't you just draw it(manga) yourself?

Waw I never thought of that. I guess it's because I can't draw?

2. Why do you do it if you don't make money?

Seriously? It's because I enjoy it.

3. You should start charging.

And limit my audience? No.

4. Made your first million yet?

Seriously? No.

5. Waw you have 10k + subscribers? If you charge them £1 each you would be rich.

Yeah. It just doesn't work like that.

6. Why don't you publish a book through an agency?

Because.....there is a reason (many reasons) but it would take too long to explain. Realistically, self-publishing is the only way, publishing agencies are run like a business. They care only for money.

7. You'll be the next J.K. Rowling.

Are you serious? There are millions of writers, lets pick one of the most successful writers in history and assume you will be as successful. Yeah-no. that's not how it works

8. Are you sure you're not getting ripped off by your illustrators?

Seriously? I've been hiring illustrators for over a year. I know how much shit costs. And I'm sure the pages take a lot of work. I love all my illustrators.

9. Made your first million yet?

Seriously? You keep asking me this. The answer is still no. And if it was yes, then I would quit my job.

I'm sure there will be more..... -_- 


10. Remember me when/if you get rich.

Why? You want money? All my money goes towards illustrators. If I made more, I would just spend more (on illustrators – maybe even hire even more than I have now)

11. Blah blah blah – something or other. J.K. Rowling

I'm sick of hearing that name. You know there are other authors right? 


12. Waw you're a writer? You should go on X-factor.

What? I mean.... what the hell? X-factor is for performers.... like singers and dancers. I mean......what??? are you serious? This is the single most ridiculous comment I have ever received in my entire life so far...

That is all I have for now.

Confession to my partnerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt