December 2018

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my heart is torn to shreds. I feel so broken, like I've lost a piece of myself. My precious girl. I love you so much. And I miss you so much. This will take me so long, it will take so long for this to stop hurting. I will never forget you, and you gave me so much joy and smiles. I love you my sweet girl. It was an honour to have known you, and I will never forget you for as long as I live. I'm so sorry, I miss you so much, my sweet girl. I will never stop loving you, even though you are no longer by my side. You will always remain in my heart. Always
Goodbye my sweet girl and thank you

Name: Kidu

Pronounced: Kee-Doo
Roughly translates as 'Black Dog' in Cornish

Originally named Tizzy's Delight (x-racing greyhound) she was re-named Kidu when we adopted her at aged 5. She was a birthday present and a wonderful companion for many years. Sadly however she was put to sleep at the very end of 2018 due to age-related issued.

Kidu was put to sleep at home just before Christmas. I held her in my arms as she passed.

My sweet girl, I will never forget you. You have brought me so much joy and happiness in the short years that I knew you, and I am absolutely heartbroken to have lost you, but am honoured to have known you.

You will always be thought of and remembered fondly, and in time...I will honour your memory by rescuing another....

Confession to my partnerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ