Untitled Part 15

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why do I feel this way so often. so depressed so sad for no reason. suicidal thoughts nearly every day. not seriously contemplating, but always there. feel so down and so worthless so often. so overwhelmed. so worthless so worthless. god! what the hell is wrong with me!? why am I like this? I just want to be normal but I am plagued by these thoughts and feelings that so often eat away at my heart and mind and I cannot shake it. just go away already! I want to stay alive for the ones I love, for my dear partner, for Skylantern and William and so many more. I love so many people but always at the back of my mind I just feel despair and god I don't know why. I don't want it. just please. I understand now why my mother killed herself. I understand truly the desire to die. I should be happy. is my medication not working anymore? why am I like this? this is crippling. fuck hell its so crippling. cant write. sleep no more.

Confession to my partnerWhere stories live. Discover now