Chapter 15

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We were finally back. It felt like my world was crashing down all over again. The first thing I asked was for Lawrence to take me home. "Wassup with you? You been ignoring since we left." I just shrugged my getting into his car. Law sucked his teeth closing my door. I don't care. He's a hoe anyway.

He stopped in front of my building.

"Do what you got to do for Zadie, but we need to start practicing again. We're two months away." Nodding my head I head up to my place. Everything was still in place. If she was here she would've been cane to greet me.

Walking upstairs, I went into her room. Sat on her bed, the smell of her was still here.

"I miss you so much." Feeling tears well up. I quickly ran out her room, and closed her door. I just needed to breathe. We'll meet again in due time baby sis. I dragged myself to the shower. In my drawer I found her phone. I forgot I even took it. Curiously made me go through it. I knew what she meant now, when she said he ain't love her.

Reading her messages of when she first started to talk to Dion to the end.

She told him and Tommie everything. When she felt lonely, when she wished I was there. Everything. Tommie always responded with something head strong or invited her over. Reading more I saw why she had an attitude. She was in love with my sister but my sister was in love with Dion.

Yet she still gave my sister advice.

She wasn't a bad friend maybe just mad at her at the moment. The messages between her and Dion were okay until she said she was pregnant. He started backing out on her even broke up with her. Told her to throw herself down the stairs. This dumb ass boy. I don't regret punching him in the mouth, if I could I'd do it again.

I didn't want to see anymore.

After a shower I made my way to the church then morge. Had pick a dress for her to wear. I almost couldn't bear looking at her. I set the date her funeral would be in a week. Anyone was welcome. I saw online that they were having a candle light at the bridge tomorrow.

Lawrence texted to see if I was up for a rehearsal.

Anything to take my mind off of what I just did. When I walked into the studio. It was just us. No Alicia this time. "You ready?" Nodding my head he played the music. It was going good better than before actually. Then the part came up, I actually did it this time.

I jumped up hugging Lawrence, he smiled tightening his grip. "I told you could do it baby. Come on. Again." Giving my booty a slap, he restarted the song.


I just left Lawrence. It felt like I did a workout, we did that routine so many times. I decided to go talk to Kano. Wanted to tell him, I couldn't do it anymore. Any of it. Needed to shower first.

When I got to the club I noticed Peach wasn't at the bar.

She might be in the back talking to the other dancers. Walking back there I was appalled from who I saw. Tommie was in a chair putting on makeup. "Why are you here? Does your grandma know you here?" I had snatched her up without even realizing it.

"Like she cares. Get off of me! What do you want?"

Looking at her all I could see was Zadie. If she did live and I still wasn't around would this be her next step? "I miss her too, and just because she loved Dion doesn't mean she didn't love you. She did, so much." She looked down at her thumbs. I saw a tear slip out of her eye.

"You can come talk to me whenever you need. I'm here for you, anything you need I got you. Just go home Tommie. This not you."

She stared at me before catching Vince while he walked by. "Hey, Um I think I change my mind." I walked pass rubbing her shoulder. Now, for what I'm really here for. I took a breath making my way down the hall.

Barging into Kano's office , I saw him fucking Peach. She was bent over his desk. "You dirty bitch, This what you been doing?" Jumping up Peach covered herself quickly.

Kano just let her run up out of here not saying a word.

My bestfriend was fucking my supposed to be boyfriend. Trifling good for nothing niggas and bitches. "Sorry to hear about Z-.." I put my hand up. He better not say her name cause he wasn't sorry about shit. I hope he catch something fucking everything that moves and shit.

"I just came to tell you. I'm done with you and this club."

It felt so good to say that and mean It. Kano stood speechless for a moment before reaching for my arm. "This about Zadie? You're sister off herself and you think you about to stop bringing in bands for this club?" Snatching away I didn't respond, I tried to leave again.

"What? You found another nigga?"

He had my back against the door. My arms was crossed and I kept moving because he was all in my face. I guess my body language gave me away. It really didn't matter. "Let me go Kano. It's over." His face turned a little red, then he grabbed me. Struggling, he turned me on my stomach.

I could hear him unbuckling his jeans. Bounding my arms behind my back with one hand, he used the other to lift my dress and insert himself in me. "You my bitch, You think another nigga gone fuck you like this?" He was deep and it was hurting me.

"Stop Kano.."

Ignoring me he continued. A few more strokes and I could feel him nutting inside me. "Bitch you got me fucked up thinking you going somewhere." Bodying me to the floor, he started to punch me in my back, chest and ribs repeatedly. Felt like I couldn't breathe so, I started to scream. For anyone who could hear me.

That person just so happened to be Vince.

"Come on now, chill Kano!" Pushing him, I got up holding my ribs. "He's been...stealing from you..." Vince looked at me then Kano.

Making my way to the door, I didn't look back and I wasn't. Tommie was outside standing. "Are you okay?" She tried to touch me, but I reassured her that it was all good. Nothing I wasn't used to. "Can I have a ride home?" Nodding my head, I made my way to the car.

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