Chapter 6

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Why? Like just Lord please tell me why? I came home ready to get into the shower. Instead I'm stepping over bags and clothes and shoes and....Zadie is fast asleep in her room. I was tired. Picking everything she left out up, I put it all in her room with the other things.

Looking on my dresser I saw my card. Not giving it another glance I showered and got into bed. I still have to work tomorrow night.


Waking up, I gave my body a good stretch because I was sore. Snatching my card from the dresser I checked the receipts. They spent three hundred dollars yesterday. That's not bad I can make that back tonight. Zadie looked like she had more than three hundred dollars worth of stuff. Maybe she got it on sale.

I decided to cook dinner for when she got home from Tommie's. She was going after school.

There was a knock on the door just as I got all the ingredients out to cook spaghetti. It was a little early for Zadie to be home. Opening the door, I was greeted with flowers. "Peach told me you was sick so I came to bring you these. Just want to know you're okay baby." I smiled smelling them.

Thanking Kano I started to shut the door, but he asked to come in. He never asks to come in.

Stepping to the side. I watched him enter my apartment. I mean Zadie isn't here so I guess it's okay. He looked around before his eyes fell back on me. "You sick and still cooking?" Sitting the flowers on the counter top I put a hand on my hip.

Kano was in a white v neck, black jeans with some black and white j's. He had his chain on, Rollie on his wrist and I could smell his cologne from here. My baby know he looked good.

"Zadie still has to eat." He frowned looking at my fading black eye. I reassured him it was okay and looked away. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I returned the favor and stood on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. We can never just kiss. "I'm so sorry baby..." He picked me up carrying me upstairs.

Taking his time with every inch of me, he gave me the best apology sex I've ever had.

"You gone feed me." Kano asked watching me turn my shower on. I chuckled shaking my head. "My sister will be home soon, not this time." I gave him another kiss. He gave my booty a hard slap before mumbling damn under his breath.

Another reason why I know those other hoes don't have nothing on me. Kano will never leave this, It's too good baby. When I got out the shower he was gone, but my phone was ringing. It was Lawrence. "I thought you told me to call you?" His deep masculine voice had me.

As soon as he spoke I heard nothing. I had to ask him to repeat. He probably think I'm paying him no mind.

"I said...I couldn't wait." Never been more happy not to be in front of him. I was blushing like crazy. "Are you saying you miss me?" I put the phone between my ear and shoulder for support. I had started on the spaghetti, putting the noodles into the boiling water.

"Yes, I want to take you to the movies tonight. You work a lot that means no time for fun." Stirring the noodles I frowned. He was asking me on a date the one day I couldn't go. I don't think I should go anyway. Kano would kill him and I. He was so cute though. "I have to work tonight.." I heard him sigh.

Like he actually cared? The food was almost done. Had to give it a little time then add the sauce. Zadie was going to smash this for sure. One of her favorite meals by me. "You're a star, and don't belong there." I sucked my teeth, adding the sauce and stirring. Last thing I need is for him to tell me where I belong.

"Yeah yeah, I don't need a lecture from you. You're not my boyfriend or my father so, stay in your lane." Just then the door opened. Zadie came in with Kano behind her. Quickly hanging up, I slid my phone in my back pocket. He stood at the door respectfully like I tell him too.

"Had fun with Tommie?" Zadie smiled telling me about her day. I sighed in relief. I'm glad she's trying to show me progress. Looking in the pot she smiled. " You made spaghetti? Bet!" She playfully pushed me causing me to giggle.

I was slowly but surely getting my little sister back.

After watching her jog upstairs, I turned my attention back to Kano. "I left my Rollie." Nodding my head I quickly sprinted to my room picking up from the floor. "That all?" I watched him put it back on his wrist. Fixing himself Kano gave me a soft smile. "Yeah see you tonight baby." He pecked my cheek before disappearing down the hall.

I closed the door locking and putting the chain on. "Can I spend the weekend at Tommie's?" Zadie was at the table smashing down on a plate. I mean she already doesn't have her phone. I guess a sleepover wouldn't be that bad. "I guess so." Zadie squealed throwing her arms around me.

"Thank youu, I love you Passion." I bet she do. It's hard to be a parent and sister. Sometimes I could settle for just being a sister. She loves me more that way and TRUST I love her more that way. My parenting always gets contradicted with being a sibling.

On the other hand it always works itself out and she always understands. There is nothing I wouldn't do to give Zadie the future I didn't have.

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