Chapter 9

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Pulling up to the police station, Zadie got into the car quietly. I couldn't even think straight I was so furious. When we got to the house she stood at the table with her arms crossed. "I know you got something to say just say it." She has no room to have an attitude. Out here stealing clothes with her little group of friends.

"I give you an inch and you take a mile. We're not broke, what the fuck you boosting for? And with Tommie and some niggas?"

"But we're on a budget." Zadie rolled her eyes and started to tap her foot. I don't know what came over me but I did something I never thought I'd do. Mushing her in the face, I bodied my sister to the floor. "Passion wait! I'm pregnant!" She said it so fast I needed to hear her repeat it.

"You pre-..You preg-..." so shocked I couldn't get the words out. My mind still didn't believe it, but it would make sense. Zadie acted like she couldn't tell me she was having sex.

"After all I sacrificed for you dummy!"

Watching her lip quiver, tears threatened to fall. This is where all this attitude coming from? She pregnant. So, Zadie's been popping that little pussy for these little nappy headed boys.

"Get out of my sight. I don't even want to look at you right now."

She took off to her room with no hesitation. I just need to talk to someone right now. Peach was still at the bar and I know Kano was going to be calling in a bit. I don't even need his drama at the moment. Only one left was Lawrence. Surprisingly he answered on the third ring. As if it wasn't almost twelve am.

"Can I come over to talk?"

There was shuffling then he groaned. I could hear him stretching. "Yeah..I'll um..send you my address." With that I hung up. Looking down I realized I was still in my stripping clothes under this trench coat. I changed into sweats and a hoodie. I'll tell Zadie not to answer if Kano comes by.

Knocking on her door twice, I called her name. No answer. Fuck it she doesn't have to answer so, I walked in. She was gone and her window was open. It looked like she went down the fire escape.


"I'll help you look for her. We can take my car." Lawrence grabbed my hand leading me to his white Chrysler. He took me to Tommie's apartment first. It was somewhat like mine but less peaceful and a little more ghetto. Pushing our way past the guys who sat outside probably every night, we made our way to her door.

Tommie answered which wasn't surprising. Her grandma probably picked her up from the station and went back to work.

"Zadie here?" I asked looking behind her. She seemed to have a little attitude also. I don't have time for teenagers I will put her on that ass. Crossing her arms she shook her head no. "Do you know where she'd go?" Lawrence asked. After I started to threaten her because of how she spoke.

"Dion lives on the third floor F3, go ask her baby daddy."

She started to close the door, but I put my foot in the way. "So, you knew and said nothing?" Rolling her eyes Tommie looked like she could give a care in the world about me knowing about my sister. "Look she made me promise not to tell now move ya damn foot."

Lawrence pulled me away.

I should've kept a close eye. I should've at least tried talking to her more or something. Maybe if I would've put the pieces together, I would've been knew. I feel like a bad parent. What I thought I was doing right, I was doing wrong. The whole time.

I knocked rapidly on the door until someone answered.

It was a small boy with curly hair. Couldn't be more then five or six. In the back I saw what I'm guessing to be his mother passed out with booze in her hand on the couch. "Is Dion here?" The little boy looked at us before running to the back calling his name.

A even taller boy with curly hair and a nose ring came back. He was dressed in a tank top and shorts, but you could see his boxers. He had on Adidas socks and slides.

"Yo, Wassup. Who you is?" Leaning on the door, this boy looked about high as hell. "So, you got my sister pregnant?" Maybe it shouldn't have been the first question, but shit. Cocking his head back he looked back to make sure his Mom was still passed out.

"Ayo, I don't want no kids. I told that lil hoe-.." I punched him in the mouth with every bit of strength in me.

Taking a few steps back he looked ready to retaliate, but Lawrence stepped in front of me. "That's not what you want to do." He took his jack off showing his built body. I didn't even think he would help me look for her, let alone fight for me right now.

I gave his hand a small tug to remind him why we're here. Also his little brother came back claiming to be hungry. "What y'all want man?" I asked him the same questions I asked Tommie. First he said he didn't know. "Do you know where she would go?" I know somebody knew something.

They went to the same school and hung around her too much not to.

"I use to take her to Nancy Bridge. She use to like to watch the stars and moon and shit." Nodding my head I looked over to Lawrence who was still on go. "Calm down." Handing him his jacket he put it on roughly. The only thing on my mind was finding my sister. I didn't know what I would do when I found her.

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