Chapter 14

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I rolled over noticing I was alone. Looking down I also noticed I was in my bra and panties. Then I remembered Law gave me the best head last night. Taking a minute to reflect on it, I bit my lip.

I took a quick shower putting on some clothes and doing my hair and hygiene.

"Hello?" I called around the house no one was here. The clock on the wall read twelve pm. On the counter was a plate with pancakes, eggs, sausage and a cup of OJ. I'm just gonna assume it's for me. I found some syrup and made my way to the couch. I put on a movie for myself I mean why not? I haven't watched tv in so long and their's was huge.

I had finished the food and the movie. I'm bored now. Never the less the one and onlies came walking through the door. I sat the plate in the sink giving them a smile. "Did you like it?" Mrs. Miller made Law sit groceries on the table. "Mrs M-..." She gave me a look as If I needed to correct myself.

"Mom, It was pretty good." I started to help put the groceries away.

"I got this. There's a fair here go. Have fun." Mrs. Miller continued to put things away. When Law offered her to come with us, she brushed it off saying she had plans. "Plus it's your last day here go." That time we heard nice and clear.


Taking my hand Lawrence had me in the middle of Times Square. I didn't know they'd be bold enough to put a whole fair here. We played these little concession games and he won me a teddy bear. It was all white and the bottom of its feet was pink like the inside of its ears.

"I love it."

"I love you." There it was again. This time we're sober and he knows I can hear him. I blushed hiding my face with the bear. Moving out the way he placed a kiss on my lips. "That's the only confirmation I need." Laughing I stuffed cotton candy into his mouth. I was enjoying my time with Lawrence.

Really didn't want to go.

"You want to ride?" I looked up at the big fair wheel. I didn't know if I wanted to and was hesitant when he inched me towards it. I haven't rode one since Zadie and he knows that. It was our turn to get on. I slowly stepped inside the cart, holding Law's hand. For dear life.

I was still afraid of heights.

We stopped at the top and could see the whole city ahead. Glancing down my heart jumped and I was over it. "I'm ready to get down now." Lawrence held me and my bear until we got back to the bottom. One thing I can say is he's one good cuddler. I don't see why his last girl would do him so dirty.

I just like..had to ask.

"I don't think she really wanted me. I think she wanted my bands."

I gave him a dry 'Oh' before finishing off the cotton candy. That really ain't matter to me I don't care what people have. "What about you? I seen your face go through phases." I fiddled with the fur on my teddy. I started to tell him about the real Kano for example how I fell in love with him not his pockets. He fell in love with my body not me.

It was kinda uncomfortable telling him about Kano's jealousy that led him to beating my ass.

It also felt good to tell someone though. Get it off my chest. "I will never hurt you, you're a star. It might sound corny, but dead ass you belong on that stage." Smiling I pushed his shoulder. He always has something motivation or inspirational to say. I like that.

It was getting dark.

He brought me back. We noticed two females on the couch. Mrs. Miller popped her head up giving a little grin, you know the one you give when you're not expecting someone, but they pop up anyway? That one. A light skin female thin enough to be a model stood up from the couch.

She had blonde hair and was in a fitted red dress. It showed off the little curves she did have.

"Morgan? Why are you here?"

She looked at him and I then back at him. Pushing her hair back she walked over to us giving a fake smile. "I heard you were back in town had to see for myself. How you been?" She didn't even acknowledge me. How rude. "You can put your bear up and make sure our things are ready for tomorrow." Law let our in twined hands go.

"Babe I think I want to stay right here."

I didn't stop staring at her, but I caught her attention. She gave me a mugging look, meanwhile Mrs. Miller has fallen asleep on the couch. Drunk most likely. Before she could open her mouth and say something Lawrence had me by my waist. "Baby please..go.." He placed a kiss on my cheek then and only then did I walk away.

I made sure all our things were packed.

When I came back out they were gone. Where the hell...I felt myself getting hot. I shook Mrs. Miller softly making her wake. "Come on, Lets get you to your room." I helped her off the couch into her bed. Made sure her shoes was off and the cover was over her. "Thank you baby, Lawrence better keep you."

I laughed at her drunk self before cutting out her light.

Walking back to the living room Lawrence came in speeding by me. I place the cups in the sink then made my way to his room. He was taking off his shirt. It had smudge lipstick on it. "That's why you left to get a quicky? You're pathetic." He looked over at me after coming out the bathroom. Shaking his head no, I didn't believe him.

We leave in the morning and I was happy of it. Don't need another Kano on my hands. I already have a Kano on my hands.

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