Chapter XIV - Gabriella comes for the rescue

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Aiden POV

"And that's what happened", Jack finished while I listened with tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't believe this poor boy had to go through all this. I felt so bad for him. I put the plate that was in my hand back in the sink and hugged Jack tightly crying. "I am so sorry to hear that, your story really touched me", I replied crying. "Thanks so much Aiden, thanks for listening", Jack patted me on the back. We finished doing the chores and I started vacuuming the floor. I really hated the loud noise the vacuum cleaner did. Jack then cleaned the floor with soap water. "Perfect, now time to let it dry", Jack sighed. I nodded.

At the entrance of the kitchen where we stood an officer came towards us. "Number Five, someone is here to see you", she said and took me towards a room. I saw Gabby and my lawyer sit there. I smiled and went to hug my girlfriend. I could see her belly has already risen. "Hey baby, how are you", I asked. "Happy to see you of course", she replied. "Me too", I said. I sat down and my lawyer told me how he knew that I was innocent and that he will get me out of here. I started thinking about my gang and Jack, I didn't want to leave him here.

Suddently there was a huge explosion somewhere causing a vibration through the building. I could hear officers rush through the building. Then a shooting broke out. I jumped from the chair and exited the room. I saw a boy, he had not to much long nor short hair, they were brown. His face looked really young. He had a red old shirt on, a bandanna around his neck that was loosly hanging there. He wore blue jeans that looked old too and patches were on them where the jeans once ripped. I could see something was strange about him, his hair was kind of floating in the air. Like some force surrounded him. Two officers were standing in his way about to shoot him. The moment I wanted to stab them the boy picked them up woth a force and I heard a bone snap. They fell to the ground, they were dead. "WAIT! Before you attack me, if you are related to a Sean, he is my friend! Finn and Cassidy are here too. They all my friends. I am not here to harm you", I tried stopping him. He calmed down and looked at me. "I am Daniel Diaz, nice to meet you", he introduced himself. "I am Aiden Gallagher, nice to meet you too", I replied. "Where is Sean", Daniel asked. "I think they might be outside training, not sure", I replied. I entered the room where Gabby was with my lawyer. "I be right back", and closed the door again. I followed Daniel. "How old are you by the way?", I asked. "Nine, but I am not a kid anymore", he replied. "Well not to be rude but for your age you are a kid by legal laws but through your powers you aren't", I winked at him. He soon smiled at that. "Thanks, I came to rescue Sean, Finn and Cassidy", he told me. "So you must Sean's brother?", I asked. "No shit sherlock, I told you I am a Diaz", he replied chuckling. "Oh right, what a nice brother you are", I told him. He didn't say anything at that. Weird. Another officer came towards us, he drew his gun at Daniel. Daniel didn't care, he simply threw the weapon out of the officer's hands, then what happened I couldn't even believe a nine year old was capable of.

He made a fist and looked like he was charging up some kind of power and as he released it the officer had a whole in his chest. He fell to the ground dying. I didn't say anything to that. We arrived towards the training field. There they were! "Who is this little cunt! What are you doing here!", one officer yelled. "I came to rescue my brother and my friends!", Daniel said gaining again some intensive power. He walked passed the officers and they simply got ripped into shreds by him just walking by. Limbs flew in every direction. "Daniel stop it!!", Sean yelled. Daniel looked at Sean and pulled him into a surprise hug. "I am sorry Sean, I am sorry for everything", Daniel replied crying. I saw an officer come behind him and was ready to shoot. My eyes widened. "No! Stop!!", I jumped infront of him and threw my knife towards the officer. It flew right between his eyes. That was close.

Daniel ripped appart the fence and we started running outside. We were free, holy crap that boy! What is he!

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