Chapter V - Romantic Moment with Aiden

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The food was finally served. We started eating and I was trying not to moan when I was eating. The food was so good I could cry. "I never eating such good food in my life", I said smiling like a complete retarded person. "Atleast you enjoy it", Aiden chuckled. I raised my eyebrow. I was thinking to myself, how would he react if I stole one of his fries. Should I do that? Maybe I should ask, I am not a impolite girl. "M-May I steal one of your fries?", I asked shyly. Aiden smirked, took one fry in his hand and asked me to get closer. I did and he fed me the fry. I blushed. "T-Thanks", I said red in my face. "You're welcome", Aiden chuckled. "Hey w-wanna, like do the spaghetti kiss from the Lady and the Tramp cartoon?", I asked. "Man, you got some ideas in your head", Aiden laughed. "Sure, I love kissing you", he added. I looked for the perfect spaghetti, really what the heck Gabriella. Aiden took one end in his mouth and I the other. We started eating it like in the show until we kissed. "That was fun", I said breaking the kiss. "Indeed", Aiden went back eating his steak. "Aiden, we should get back to school soon, just that you know", I looked at him. "Don't worry, my private driver is going to take us there", Aiden replied relaxed.

I payed attention to the singer on the stage. She was beautiful. She had a dark skin tone, nice black hair that fell on her shoulders. She had a nice red robe with some black boots. I noticed she was singing constantinople the fighting scene where Five killed those guards. "Oh my fighting scene", Aiden noticed too.

I stood up and sat on his lap, putting my head on his chest. "You alright love?", Aiden asked holding me. "Yes darling, I just want you to hold me", I replied closing my eyes. "Hey love, want me to sing you something?", he whispered in my ear. My eyes jerked open looking at him. "You can sing?", I asked. "Of course, I am taking lessons with a famous singer. Not allowed to say who", he replied. "I am excited to hear it", I said very happy.

Aiden went towards the woman and I could see him talk to her. She went off stage and he stepped up. Then the melody started playing. Wait a moment! Oh my god!! Aiden is singing Just the way you are by Bruno Mars!! I didn't know what to do anymore! I was so happy I started tearing up.

When he began to sing, I couldn't believe my ears. That voice, it was like an angel fell from heaven and started singing. When he finished, he jumped of the stage coming towards me. "How was that", he asked me. "Excellent, I love it!", I hugged him, kissing his lips. "Let me sing you something, I took singing classes too, I hope I memorized this song", I added. "Sure, go for it", he replied.

I went on stage and started singing 'I really like you by Carly Rae Japsen'.

I could see Aiden smile the whole time. Wait he was blushing! Yes! I made him blush finally!

When I was done, I came back towards him. "So? How was I?", I asked. "I loved it, but might I give you some suggestions what to correct?", he asked. "Of course, I would love to hear it", I replied. He told me what I did wrong in some parts and showed me how to do better. He tried. "Wait, let me show you", the woman from before energed from backstage. "I am Jackie by the way, nice to meet you Gabriella. I heard your name when Aiden said it many times", she introduced herself. "Logically, and nice to meet you too", I replied. Jackie showed me how to correct some parts of my singing. "Thanks a lot Jackie", I said. "Don't worry, I gladly did it", she replied.

"Alright, let's pay and get back to school, come on Aiden", I said pulling him. "Bye Jackie!", I waved. "Bye! See ya next time hopefully", she waved back. Aiden payed the bill and when we wanted to get to our private driver, he was outside his car literally freaking out.

"Richard! What happened here!", Aiden looked shocked. "Soneone scratched my car and broke the windows! That's what happened Mr. Gallagher", Richard sighed.  "The Blond Bitches, it might been them!", I exclaimed. "Richard, call the police, I think there might be some fingerprints", Aiden ordered.

The police came very soon. Richard explained what he knew and I told the police my theory. They started investigating the car closely. "Who is Gabriella", one officer asked. "It's me Sir, is there a problem?", I asked. "Not with you directly but I found something that might fit your theory", he said. He showed me some words scratched on the car saying "Poor slut go kill yourself". "That's them, how stupid are they, they left an evidence", I shook my head. "Richard can't you call anyone, we have to get to school", Aiden looked pissed. "Yo Derek, can you get here, my car got sabotaged by some stupid blond girls when I wasn't paying attention, Mr. Gallagher is going to get late", Richard spoke in his phone.

Not 5 minutes passed and the Derek guy arrived. "Finally", Aiden hissed holding the door open for me. "Thanks", I said getting in. Aiden got in and we drove towards Edmond Highschool.

When we arrived Aiden kissed me goodbye and ran towards gym class, what will happen next is going to be literal nightmare!

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