Chapter III - Is he the true one?

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I got told that my mother will be in the hospital for a while. My abusive father gave her sone broken rips by hitting her in the gut the whole time. She had a swollen eye too and her lips were swollen too. The nurse told me that I could go to my school now, since my mother needs some rest. So I did as told.

I waited for my next bus and went towards school. To be honest, I wasn't very popular in school. I didn't have to many friends either. Most girls were these complete brainless cheerleaders clinging into boys just to have sex witb them. They would literally make out in the hallway like gross. Other were pink bitches. That's how I call them. They dress in all pink, like everything is pink on them! Totally disgusting. Also they act like they own the whole school and are complete bitches towards others. Don't forget stereotypically blond too. Look I watched legally blond and I know not all blondes are brainless, so don't judge me! The boys, oh dear lord let's not even mention! We have jocks, like every school has! They are brainless but very sportive. But when I say brainless I mean it, they hate school! They never arrive on time, never do homework always get Fs on tests. Then we have the douchebags who are rich and literal gold diggers! Lastley we have some people who dress as punks, nerds and normal people who are unpopular just like me. I am afraid that someone is going to brainwash Aiden, like these rich douchebags and make him a gold digger. I am getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

I finally arrived and entered the school. Look if you need a description of my school then just imagine any highschool that you seen in movies, that's how mine is. So nothing to explain there. I had math class. I walked towards the room and entered. What I saw made my heart drop. Aiden was sitting surrounded by girls and he was flirting with them! I let out a big sigh and just went towards my seat. Aiden spotted me. "Hello love, I was waiting for you", he seriously hushed the girls away to talk to me. All eyes were on me. "That unpopular whore is dating an actor? Ew!", a blond bitch shouted outloud making her gang laugh. "Hey! Can you shut your mouth? Yes she is mine. Why don't you learn manners and get that pink out of you. It makes me wanna barf!", he replied towards her. "How dare you talk to me like this! Do you know who I am! I am going to the principal!", she stood up angrily walking out. Aiden raised his eyebrow. "I swear if you don't throw this fucking asshole out of this school, I am going to make your life to hell!", Aiden could hear the girls yelling. "Wow, I can't believe this", he shook his head. She walked in again. This time with one of the jocks. "He is bullying me, baby please help", she cried near her "boyfriend". Shit! This stupid drama queen. The Jock approached Aiden grabbing him by his shirt slamming him against a wall. "Look here punk, we are the leaders in this school, and you will do as we tell you. If she wants to date you do so and stay away from unpopular people and fucking nerds! Did you get it!", he hissed at him. Aiden just chuckled. He suddenly head butted the jock making him fall to the ground. Aiden gave him a good shot in his balls. "No one tells me what to do! Did you hear me asshole? No one", he replied going back to me. "Gabriella is mine and all of you stay away from me! Did you get it!", he said that a bit louder. Everyone nodded. The jock backed off and ran out. Aiden was just amazing!

"Now again, how are you my love", he asked me. "G-Good, thanks and you?", I asked back. "Doing well, was waiting for you the whole time", he smiled kissing me. See there you go why I hated being blond! I didn't want to associate with girls like them.

Our professor soon arrived and the class began. I could see the pinkies starting to whisper between them. They were planning something, oh no this going to get bad. If they try breaking me and Aiden up then this is going to be very hurtful since I get jealous very fast. Now I am worried.

After class launch arrived. Aiden took me by the hand and led me towards his private taxi. "Follow me, I want to make you a surprise", he said. "Close your eyes", he added. I did so. I felt like I entered a car and we were driving somewhere. I wanted to grab his hand but it landed somewhere completely else. His damn crotch! I felt so embarrassed and sinnful I wabted to scream. "Woah! Not so fast Gabby! I didn't even pay you dinner yet!", he laughed flinching. "Sorry! I ment to hold your hand! I swear!", I spoke completely nervously. "Oh! My god I almost thought you were rushing here", he laughed again. He took my hand in his holding it. "We are soon there, hold it closed", he spoke again. I nodded.

We finally arrived. We got out of the car and I could hear him tell me to open my eyes. We stood infront a very fancy restaurant. "A-Aiden are you sure?", I asked him. "I would do anything for you", he replied. We entered and it was like how shall I explain! Majestic! Rich! Somewhere unpopular girls like me would never eat! Everywhere were crystal chandeliers, round tables, forks, knives and spoons out of gold. The tables looked like they were made out of very expensive wood, so the chairs. They also had a bit of gold on them. The table cloth had gold linen on it, bit of red that it made a fancy royal color. I felt so out of place.

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