Chapter 17

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        I'm passing my time but looks like it becomes longer and longer when I'm thinking about it like evrytime I was spending time in detention. That was my nightmare and this one is even worse because I found out that I can't sleep. Well I guess I should have found that out before. I stand up and start walking around the room that was smelly. Yeah because of blood and I think my nose is even working better than before. 

        I guess I'm not brave enough to do nothing until I'm dead so I stand up and walk to the door but I'm not even brave enough to open the door. I always thought that I'm so brave but I guess I'm just a coward. Like in movies I try to close my eyes and breathe deeply and open the door but I can't do any of that. I can't close my eyes or breath and that's a BIG disappointment.

        I decide to forget about that all and open the door and I did. Nothing was there except a zombie stumbling. He turned when he heard me open the door. He moves closer. I'm scared because I don't wanna die again. I'm not moving. He moves closer and sniffs but then leaves. I wanted to sigh but I couldn't.

        I start walking in a road that I never new it before. I didn't even know where I was going to. No light. Everything's black. Totally black. Just like in movies and cartoons but I'm feeling good. Feeling a power like the darkness is the reason. I continue walking.

        I see a light from the far. It annoys me. I cover my eyes and start moving.

-" OUCH!" I yell when I find out that I have stabbed my eyes using my BONY nails.

        I find out that it's a car. I start yelling, screaming and shouting. The closer it gets, the crazier I become. I'm feeling hungry and tired like my bones are in my brain and my heart is... Well I have NO hear actually. 

        I stand on it's way and start waving my hands and screaming but it's getting even faster. It's too close and the light is too powerful and I can't see anything so it hits me. All I feel is a sudden pain and then nothing...

Well guys this is tooooo short! Lol but I thought it would be more exciting to save it for the next chapter! XD and I'm gonna change the whole thing about this story! I mean... Well you'll find out later! I dunno if it's good or not anyway I'll take the risk! 
Xx Sky

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