Chapter Four - Mystic Falls: A History

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-CH 4- Mystic Falls: A History

Harry’s P.O.V

                Bonnie came to sit with us on the Gryffindor table.

                “Hello everyone good morning," she said

                “Mornin',” we all said in unison

                “Are there studies of vampire’s and werewolves here in Hogwarts?” Bonnie suddenly asked.

                “Yeh, there are many books in the library,” Hermione replied before continuing, “Why the sudden question?”

                “Never mind. What about hybrids? Is there anything about hybrids?” Bonnie asked Hermione.

                “NO! What are hybrids?” Hermione asked.

                “WOAH!! There are things in this world that you don’t know?” Ron said jokingly and Hermione gave him an angry glare

                I chuckled and said, “Ron take it easy mate you don’t want her to punch you like Malfoy in third year!” We all laughed and told Bonnie about the story. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere.

                Hermione’s curiosity boiled and she asked, “So what are hybrids?”

                “They are creatures that are half werewolf half vampire,” Bonnie replied and continued “and they have to be from a werewolf blood line and turn.”

Hermione’s P.O.V

                “But werewolves DON’T turn,” I said, emphasizing the ‘don’t’ in the sentence

                “Yes, but they are more complicated than turning a human!” she said.

              “You see one of the originals was from a werewolf bloodline he is the original hybrid a werewolf must die with his blood in his system and drink the human doppelgänger’s blood to finish the transformation,” she said and for once I did not quite understand. So I asked for a more detailed story which might have taken all of breakfast but I wanted to know about this.

                “Tell me the whole story from the beginning will you please?” I asked

                “Sure," she said and then continued to tell the story, “It’s actually more than just a story its several in one first story goes back to 2000 years ago and it’s about the doppelgänger. You see there were a girl and a boy I don’t remember their names exactly. Well actually two girls and a boy to be exact the boy loved a girl and then there was another girl a witch the witch’s name was Catsia. She loved the boy but he did not love Catsia back and he wanted to be with the girl he loved forever so he pretended to love the witch so that she could make a potion that would help them last forever and never die it was supposed to be drunk on the day of Catsia’s wedding but the boy had stolen it and gave it to him and the other girl to drink. Catsia was furious and made a cure for the potion she had made before and she created ‘the other side’ where the dead supernatural creatures would go and she made the girl the gate way to ‘the other side’ and every supernatural creature would pass through her to go to the other side and it is supposed to be painful and she also turned her into a rock then she went to the boy disfigured him and made sure no one would ever fall in love with him and buried him deep in a cave with the cure and turned him into stone in hope that one day someone waked him up and he wants to take the cure and die and every once in a while there would be an exact look alike of each of the couples and they are said to be destined to find each other and fall in love. I got one of each as a friend they had a history but not anymore.” 

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