Audition Tape #9 - Lina Topolski

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Instantaneously, an eyeful of walls decorated with forest wallpaper appear. Upon them, framed paintings and photographs of foxes and wolves are hung with care. Upon a windowsill on the right wall is a potted moth orchid, vibrant and healthy. The carpet is a fuzzy seaweed green where a circle of stuffed animals sit. In the center of them with her legs crossed is a girl with barely shoulder-length, pickled bluewood hair.

A single ocean green eye peeks out from under her bangs. Wrapped across the top of her head as a headband is a yellow-orange kerchief patterned with polka dots. Her lower body is hugged by flexible black shorts with dully tanned seams and pant leg hemlines, just reaching past the knee. The left pant leg is rolled up and cuffed, exposing a bandaged knee. Black socks crawl up her ankles with the left-hand one covering the entire shin. Fit upon her feet are red hiking boots, laced with black shoestrings. For both boots, the upper parts and black soles are separated by yellow feather edges.

Her upper half dons a tea green tee with the hem knotted beside her hip, exposing her navel. Suspended around her neck is a green leaf necklace. She picks up one of the animal plushies, a white cat with purple button eyes, and sits it upon her lap.

"H-Hi... Total Drama. Um... uh... my name is Lina and th-this is Anabelle," she introduces, stammering egregiously. Raising the white cat plushie in front of her face now, Lina hides behind it.

"And s-sitting all around me are... my friends. If there weren't so many of them, I would... introduce all of them... to you. Uhm, me and Anabelle want to join... your show to make more friends. We've dreamt about... going to Hope's Peak one day, too. The money would help... a lot... with supporting efforts towards... preserving and protecting our Earth and its wildlife," the Polish lass continues to stutter.

She wiggles Anabelle's arms up and down. Lina peeks out from behind her at the camera, her eyes expressing immense timidity.

"Nothing means more than... making the world a better place. That's why... going to that island will be... exciting for me. I want to see what l-lives on it. I want to scout for... ways that I could... improve their habitats, their homes. An experience like this... will be once in a lifetime. I think... I will leave the show happy... regardless of what happens."

She lowers Anabelle back into her lap and gives the camera a tiny, shy grin. She gives all the stuffed animals forming the circle around her a gentle gaze.
"Say goodbye to the Total Drama producers, everybody."

She waves and makes Anabelle do the same. A meow, not from Lina, is heard right before the footage snaps to black.


A visual of this character will be provided here in an update at a later date.

Total Drama Summer Camp [Danganronpa X Total Drama] (FINAL REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now